Hello Ubuntu Security Team,

> tcpdump (4.7.4-1ubuntu1) wily; urgency=low
>  -- Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>  Fri, 29 May 
> 2015 20:13:33 +0200

since this happen to be me doing the merges...
lets do this:

apparently Debian used 4.9.0 to stable-release update tcpdump.
They might have their good reasons to update wheezy from 4.3.0 to 4.9.0
and jessie from 4.7.4 to 4.9.0.
That said, I followed the same updates as Debian, and published in my ppa the 
updates for Trusty,
Xenial, Yakkety.

Security Team, how do you feel about uploading them?
(please double check my work, even if it sounds exactly the same as Debian, 
with the same tests disabled
due to old pcap library)



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