On 03.02.2017 [08:58:45 -0500], Sephiroth Storm wrote:
> Hello,
> Your repos currently have 4.7.x as the latest version of tcpdump
> available when it is up to 4.9.x. As your version of tcpdump may have
> numerous vulnerabilities, when will the repo be populated with the
> updated version?

Zesty (17.04) has 4.9.0-1ubuntu1.

4.7.4 is present in 16.04 and 16.10, though -- what vulnerabilities are
you considering as present? Are there CVEs for them? That's the normal
process for vulnerabilities to be fixed in released versions, I think.
Also, you may want to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates,
which explains how updates occur in released versions (note that the
implication is you're unlikely to see 4.9.0 in 16.04).


Nishanth Aravamudan
Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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