On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:43:36AM -0400, Jeff Lane wrote:
> On 03/15/2013 08:33 AM, Alexandre Strube wrote:
> > From 12.10 to 13.04 updated daily, one bug appears and disappears again
> >every couple of updates. The bug is related to the Lenovo X201 entering
> >sleep mode.
> >
> >It's a kind of russian roulette. I never know if the machine will wake
> >up again. Most of the time it just stays there. Black screen, no answer
> >to capslock or usb, nothing. Just the disk showing activity every now
> >and then. Apart from that, the machine is as dead as it can be.
> >
> >Sometimes, it works for weeks. Sometimes, at the first time it enters
> >sleep mode, things go bad.
> >
> >I don't even know what to look for and to which component I should open
> >this bug against. Can anyone point me to somewhere?
> I had the same issue and thought it had cleared up, but apparently
> not as I'm seeing exactly the same behaviour.  Here's a quantal bug
> I filed a while back that has been since marked fix-released:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1074589
> As it's a suspend/resume issue, file a kernel bug:
> # ubuntu-bug linux
> I saw the issue in Quantal, it was fixed somehow in an SRU and now
> appears to be in Quantal again. I've also got Raring installed on
> the machine but have not played with it enough to see if this
> behaviour reproduces in Raring or not for me.

I also have loads of boot issues on my W520. I am using Oneiric though
because breaking my working environment in gnome is not an option and
not what I get paid for on my day job ;-)

        * halt from the command line halts but does not power off
        * The W520 has multiple video modes but only one of them
          powers up the VGA connector. When using that, boot is
          a russian roulette. It is not unusual for the kernel to
          lock up twice before I finally get a boot. A couple
          times I had to pull the battery to get the BIOS and
          linus kernel to start playing nice again.
        * I have on occasion seen the sleep problem. It happens
          in particular if I walk away from the machine and it
          is on a vt rather than gnome; but it has on occasion
          happened in gnome as well.

I have gotten into the habit of always shutting down when I
travel from the dual screens at home to the dual screens at
work because linux gets tied up in its knickers if I do,
if it wakes up at all.

Things do work better if I am on the factory BIOS graphics setting,
which I use when travelling, but as I said, in that mode the VGA
port is turned off.

Since I have no intention of upgrading from Oneiric at this
time, I have not reported these issues. I have just gritted
my teeth, sworn the occasional general curse and got on with

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