Actually, I noticed that this happen when the big display connected to the
displayport output of the docking station is turned on. The notebook wakes
up fine, but then the secondary screen is turned on, and Ubuntu wants to
send the image to it and dies. No keyboard, no nothing. But there is still
disk activity, god knows why. Still, I don't know to which component I
should open a bug against.

2013/3/19 Jeff Lane <>

> On 03/15/2013 08:33 AM, Alexandre Strube wrote:
>> Hello list,
>>  From 12.10 to 13.04 updated daily, one bug appears and disappears again
>> every couple of updates. The bug is related to the Lenovo X201 entering
>> sleep mode.
>> It's a kind of russian roulette. I never know if the machine will wake
>> up again. Most of the time it just stays there. Black screen, no answer
>> to capslock or usb, nothing. Just the disk showing activity every now
>> and then. Apart from that, the machine is as dead as it can be.
>> Sometimes, it works for weeks. Sometimes, at the first time it enters
>> sleep mode, things go bad.
>> I don't even know what to look for and to which component I should open
>> this bug against. Can anyone point me to somewhere?
> I had the same issue and thought it had cleared up, but apparently not as
> I'm seeing exactly the same behaviour.  Here's a quantal bug I filed a
> while back that has been since marked fix-released:
> As it's a suspend/resume issue, file a kernel bug:
> # ubuntu-bug linux
> I saw the issue in Quantal, it was fixed somehow in an SRU and now appears
> to be in Quantal again. I've also got Raring installed on the machine but
> have not played with it enough to see if this behaviour reproduces in
> Raring or not for me.
>> --
>> []
>> Alexandre Strube
>> <>
> --
> Jeff Lane - Hardware Certification Engineer and Test Tools Developer
> Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH
> Freenode IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
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