
Back in November a wrote to this list that I was porting the
window-picker-applet to GTK+3 so it can be used in the fallback mode of
gnome 3.

It took me a little longer to finish this but in the last days I have
finished porting enough code that it now works on oneiric with GTK+3.
I'm still working on getting rid of the remaining deprecated functions
but if any one wants to take a look you can just clone the git
repository on Github. I included a readme file so it should not be
difficult to compile and install it:


Let me know you someone finds this useful.

All the best

On 04/11/11 01:17, Lanoxx wrote:
> Hi,
> I really love the window-picker-applet and since there seemed to be no
> one else to port it to GTK+3 I have started to port it. Together with
> this news from today:
> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/indicator-applet-ported-to-gnome-3-can.html
> it would mean I could get a very similar desktop back than I used to
> have in 11.04, and thus finally enjoy Gnome 3 without having to use
> gnome-shell ^^.
> If there is anyone else interested you may want to have a look at the
> current code:
> https://lan...@github.com/lanoxx/window-picker-applet.git
> I got it to build (but not run) on 11.10 with gtk3 so far but there are
> still many places in the code that need to be updated. I hope I find
> time to do that in the next few days.
> However what I am having the most problems with is modifying the
> data/Makefile.am such that it correctly installs all files when running
> 'make install'. Could anyone maybe have a look at the repo and give me a
> hint what I need to change in data/Makefile.am?
> Cheers
> Lanoxx

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