Hello Sorry if this question isn't related to this list discussion
ubuntu package gvfs-backends include several backends to different network file systems (ftp, http, smb, ...) Now we are mounting a Novell Netware file system through ncpfs utility but a specif backend don't exist for NCP novell network file system. For this reason, when use this ncpfs mounting point, Nautilus performance is significantly (1/2) slow that a cp command in shell. In OpenSUSE distro a backend called nvvfs is included and Nautilus vs cp performance is very similar I found source packages in http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/17173514/dir/opensuse/com/gvfs-backends-1.10.1-1.1.i586.rpm.html The question: Is it possible to include nvvfs backend in ubuntu gvfs-backends package?? Regards -- *Eduardo Romero Moreno* http://es.linkedin.com/in/eduromo/ http://twitter.com/eduromo http://www.google.es/reader/shared/eduromo *AZLinux* http://zaragozaciudad.net/azlinux/ http://twitter.com/azlinuxzgz
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