On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Jan Claeys <li...@janc.be> wrote:
> Etienne Goyer schreef op ma 18-04-2011 om 17:03 [-0400]:
>> Any other major roadblock beside the above?  I am going to sift
>> through the bugs tagged ipv6 on Launchpad, but if there's anything
>> obvious I missed, please let me know.
>> Finally, a question to consider is whether we want to address the
>> IPv6-only use-case (ie, not dual-stack, no IPv4 configuration).  This
>> has some implications, notably around d-i and NetworkManager.  Few
>> networks are IPv6-only at this time, but it's bound to change in the
>> near future.
> Also important here: the Ubuntu websites, the main archive/download
> server, and many mirrors don't support IPv6 currently...
> When you do an IPv6-only install (and you have no local mirror), it
> would be nice if an IPv6-capable mirror is configured in
> sources.list  ;)

Well, I didn't mention this precisely because the mirrors and other
services aren't IPv6 ready, but I thought it would be nice if the UDS
infrastructure was at least v6 ready: that you can get addresses, etc.

Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <mathieu...@gmail.com>
Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: mathieu...@gmail.com
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