On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 02:27 -0400, Ryan Oram wrote:
> Skype will work on infinityOS and on any audio system that I propose
> Ubuntu should adopt. Skype works fully on the pure ALSA system
> employed currently by infinityOS as I use it personally.

I did question whether Skype will work on your distro, but intended to
use it as a popular example application that many users will want a
bluetooth headset for. And even if other systems are really better, it
does not change the fact that many people use bluetooth.

> I highly suggest, based
> on my own personal experience, that you do not deploy Bluetooth
> headsets at your workplace. 

We are sometimes not stupid :) and of course are testing before we
deploy. 150 users at the helpdesk have been using bluetooth headsets for
months without encountering significant amounts of the issues you

> Bluetooth support will be in what ever audio layer infinityOS uses (or
> anything I support Ubuntu to use) or at the very least be on the
> roadmap. Game support is, however, just a plain higher priority, as it
> is required by home users 

You are of course free to prioritize in your distro any way you want, I
just don't buy that it's clear cut that games are a higher priority than
simple bluetooth audio connectivity. Also games are required by *some*
home users. And in fact not that many people play sophisticated PC
games, believe it or not.

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