Amahdy wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing something here (like I said in my early first post), but I
> even don't know how to set a total delivery for all messages sent here, I
> only receive a digest and there is no option to receive
> instant-notification, although I believe mailman has this option but maybe
> the case here was disabled by an administrator or I'm doing something wrong
> and I can't find the way to do it... please advise?
Yes, mailman has this option, and no, it was not disabled. As far as I
can remember, the default is *individual* messages. If I am correct,
then you are receiving a digest because -- at some point in time -- you
so chose.

Anyway. At the very bottom of the email you should see the following
four lines (without the hash sign on the first line):

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All you need to do is follow the link on the very last line, and edit
your settings.

Now, perhaps you do not see these lines -- which would, then, point to a
problem with your email client (be it a real client, or Google, or whatever.



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