On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 03:10:59 +0200
Amahdy <mrjava.java...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there some kind of problem here or is it for me only? my email is never
> continued, it cut off the rest of the email starting from the word: F - R -
> O - M -- a - n - o - t - h - e - r .... do I only have this problem or
> what's exactly?

I don't know what is happening to your emails, but I think it is on
your end...

Here is the message before this one, which this seemed to be a reply to:


... it's new tech why not use it?

>From another post I see that one way of getting some revenue, Canonical
decided to make a deal with Yahoo, so why not as a way of lowering
costs, use another free service instead of paying for lots of
administration ... etc

Those are just thoughts nothing more, as personal experience, we in my
company are using a google-group as way of "development-list" and it's
pretty excellent for us specially when I can do many many things with
almost perfection.

Another example is, Mozilla, they actually moved to google groups, I
don't think it's their partnership that made that or else they might
move their source code into a google-code and in the other hand Google
wouldn't coded their own bug-tracker and used bugzilla instead...

>they perform their designated task far more effectively.    

More effectively based on what? in our list here, open the archive, then
choose January-2010, then choose sort by date, then open a random
thread, then press "Next"
The next one will be the next one "by thread" not "by date" as expected,
this maybe a small bug (but I don't think so) or maybe it's something
that wasn't "designated" from the beginning. and here is what I wanted
to perform: open the list-page sorted by date and read the new threads
by pressing next, next ... not by click, then back, then scroll, then
click, then aahhh I opened this one before that ... then close the
browser and I don't want to read anything. what if from my simple
browsing I want to just hit reply and send, this also not in the design
at all, instead I MUST use an email client which is oh my god I was
just navigating the list from my mobile phone and it does not contains
a multi-tab to open the email in another tab without loosing this
page ....

-- Amahdy AbdElAziz
IT & Development Manager
3D Diagnostix Inc. www.3ddx.com

I fail to see where it lost anything?

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           [http://keepingdreams.com]

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