On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 15:16 -0400, Christopher Olah wrote:

> Brainstorm: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18883/ (Little feedback...)
>          /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh :
> (/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh defines how boot messages are printed behind 
> splash.)
>      (1) Make the "OK" in "[ OK ]" green. This matches the fact that
> "fail" in "[fail]" is red. There are several reasons to do this:
>             - It looks nice.
>             - The must common case that an end user will see this is
> when something goes wrong in the boot process. Having a string of
> green "[ OK ]"s would be comforting.
They are deliberately the way they are ;)

 1) The Red and Green of a console are of a similar intensity, so some
    people with Red/Green colour blindness would be unable to
    distinguish them if they were both coloured.

    Red and White means that R/G colour blind people can still see the
    FAIL notifications.

 2) All human eyes are drawn to colour.  It's much easier for almost
    everybody to pick out a splash of red in a sea of white, than it is
    to pick out a splash of red in a sea of mixed colours.

Scott James Remnant

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