On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 11:32:20PM +0200, Wouter Stomp wrote:
> Hello,
> Bugs that are marked incomplete and subsequently get a reply from the
> original reporter often stay in the incomplete status. This means they
> automatically get closed even though the needed info was provided. I
> think it would be a good idea to automatically change the status to
> new once a new comment is made on an incomplete bug.

First, afaik automatic-expiration is not enabled for Ubuntu.  It tracks
when bugs will expire but doesn't close them without human action.

Second, even if automatic-expiration were enabled, IIRC it is configured
to distinguish between ones that have received a reply vs. those that

So... I think this isn't a problem.  If you could show a (recent)
example where something in Ubuntu got expired this way, that'd be worth
knowing about.


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