The main goal of any instant messaging program is to allow the user to talk
with friends and family around the world.  Empathy, from the brief
experience i've had, has that capability, as well as a multiple protocol
capabilities which doesn't limit who they can talk to at all.  I'm really
interested in the ability to integrate well with GNOME, but more importantly
the Voice/Video support.  I am a college student, and I have many friends
who own macs and they rave about the V/V support and how fun it is to use
all the time.  Having V/V to talk with family and friends from long
distances is really important to me.  Pidgin has evolved and has some great
plugins, but the fact that Empathy has V/V support is what draws me into it.

~Brian C.

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
--Wernher Von Braun
"The second law of thermodynamics: If you think things are in a mess now,

On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Alexander Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Voice and video, period.
> --
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