On Sat, 17 May 2008 02:08:16 +0100 "Fergal Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>2008/5/16 Krzysztof Klimonda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Fergal Daly  wrote:
>>> 2008/5/16 A. Walton :
>>> It seems from the paragraph below that there is a way - there just
>>> needs to be a flame war to decide which one to twiddle by default for
>>> those who don't care,
>> That's exactly the problem - no matter what decision is made the half
>> of the users (those more aware who has used linux for years, who should
>> be precious for any distribution as it's them who advocacy for Ubuntu
>> and Linux in general) will be pissed off.
>If Ubuntu defaulted to a .gtkrc or .kderc that harmonised these
>buttons, the people who would be angry are the people who know how to
>fix it already.
>> I guess it is possible to choose button layout and theme based on the
>> DE that's active. But it still won't be consistent GUI. The difference
>> between KDE and Gnome applications cannot be reduced to the
>> different widgets or button layout. Unless KDE and GNOME developers
>> agree to create common HIG there is no way to create consistent
>> desktop by using K* and G* applications simultaneously. And if
>> someone wonder if consistency is worth all the effort look at the
>> Mac OS X - people use this system among other things because
>> of how does all applications look alike.
>Of course but this particular difference seems to be the most discussed.
>> Also saying that that most people doesn't care about HIG and It
>> only matters for developers and fan boys isn't fair. It means that
>> what developers does has no real value..
>That's not what I said. I wasn't talking about the HIG, just talking
>one particular bit of it, so please don't make out that I said only
>devs and fanboys care about the HIG.
>I do think that the world breaks down into
>1 people who will only ever use g... or k... and are thus unaffected by 
>2 people who want to use the best tool for the job, of which we have
>  2a people who know how to tweak .rc files to make them both the same
>  2b people who just want to get on with it and are unable or
>unwilling to figure out how to fix it or don't even realise there's a
>fixable problem and just think "this linux thing is annoying".
>I think 2b is probably the majority already and is only growing much
>faster than the others.
>What is your argument for not working well for 2b by default.
>1 and 2a know how to get what they want and in fact will probably
>already have their own .rc files and will probably never even see a
>new default setting,
Yes.  By switching to Debian.

Seriously, the notion that it's OK to not care about how defaults affect 
experienced users is 
totally bogus.  I run my Kubuntu desktop with very little customization a 
really dislike the 
notion that my preferences don't count because I could turn off some annoying 
new feature.

Scott K

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