Hi, We would like to discuss the integration of a default media center solution in the Ubuntu desktop at the Ubuntu Developer Summit for the Intrepid Ibex.
The goal is to give Ubuntu users an out of the box, easy to use, well integrated and appealing multimedia application allowing them to enjoy their multimedia content. Competing desktops such as Mac OS/X provide their users with an immediate solution to browse their content and retrieve content from the Internet in a very visual, intuitive and beautiful user interface. This is a fundamental part of the end user experience and makes a big difference in the overall feeling of the desktop. Major key elements towards success are: - giving users a both usable and very attractive user interface - perfect integration with the user's desktop (cross-application interoperability, visual integration, etc.) - it should work out of the box Members of the Elisa media center team and of the Ubuntu media center team are willing to attend the Ubuntu developer summit for the Intrepid Ibex in order to gather around a specification. The basic idea is to take the Elisa media center and make the necessary adaptation to fit all the use cases that will be discussed. Elisa has already an interesting UI and comes with an extensible framework that would ease the task by an order of magnitude. A specification has been created [1] and is in a drafting state at the moment. Anyone is welcome to participate. An important and very practical point is that we would like to know who is interested in discussing it at UDS-Intrepid and on what days so that we can book plane tickets and so on. Have a nice day, Alessandro Decina Florian Boucault [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/elisa-integration -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-discuss