The alternate disk can install a full system or can do a "server" install
which is just the base system.  After a server install, you are dropped to a
command-line-only system.

On Dec 13, 2007 5:17 PM, Blaise Alleyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kevin Fries wrote:
> > One idea that Debian has had for years, that I am surprised that Ubuntu
> > did not follow -- especially with servers -- was the idea of the minimal
> > install CD ( < 50MB to fit on a mini-cd or flash stick) that was little
> > more than a debootstrap install.  Then everything was obtainable from
> > the repositories.
> >
> > While I realize that could get ugly for the noobs that Ubuntu goes after
> > if followed exactly... but what about a derivation off of it.  Instead
> > of leaving just a command line system, it installed a core system, then
> > rebooted, upon first boot, it asked which U/K/X-buntu version you
> > wanted, then retrieved that from the Apt repositories.  Now CD capacity
> > is unimportant.
> >
> >
> Isn't that starting to sound similar to the alternate CD that Ubuntu
> already has? I'm not sure that I fully understand either install CDs
> (Debian's, or the alternate from Ubuntu) but it sounds like there's a
> lot of overlap there.
> --
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