Am Donnerstag, den 15.11.2007, 22:59 +0000 schrieb Matt Zimmerman:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 01:05:01PM +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > in edubuntu we face the fact that governments and schools start rolling
> > out really huge deployments in the near future (see macedonia with a
> > total of 185000 systems for example), if you maintain 5000 seats in one
> > school or 10000 in one municipality it comes in pretty handy to have an
> > apt-cacher in your network to not saturate your internet connection for
> > updates. so i'd like to second the main inclusion.
> We should be wary of both a) jumping from broad requirements ("large
> deployments would benefit from local redistribution of updates") to actions
> ("let's put apt-cacher in main") and b) focusing too much on niche use cases
> when there are issues facing a large number of users which need to be
> addressed.
i think the huge deployments are a fact and we will see more of them
(especially in the edu sector). while i agree that we should review
other options as well, it seems that apt-cacher is a tool already used
by many of our users and apparently it even made its way through support
requests onto this list :) 
without knowing technical drawbacks/advantages of the other tools i'd
say its a good candidate from a "give users what they ask for" POV
(i know many of the existing bigger edubuntu setups use it today to save

searching for package proxy solutions in apt-cache reveals:

approx - caching proxy server for Debian archive files
apt-cacher - caching proxy system for Debian package and source files
apt-proxy - Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder

does anyone know more tools like the above ones that fulfill the same
need so we can take a look at them as well ?

would a general proxy solution that includes .deb caching as well a
better way to address the task ?


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