On 9/24/07, Michael R. Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just talking a friend through a Live CD install of feisty on an
> older machine. It has 256M of RAM and no swap partition. This
> configuration runs the desktop CD very poorly. I have a similarly
> configured machine here, and the booting to the desktop takes 30
> minutes. I configured the same machine with a swap partition, and the
> boot took around 8 minutes. When configured with 512M and a swap
> partition, boot time is about 5 minutes. What's more, with the swap
> partition, the desktop is actually usable, since apps get cached in
> swap.
> The obvious suggestion is to use the alternate CD, but a graphical
> installer that has lower system resources would be nice. Or even if the
> Desktop CD had a boot mode that could launch the GUI installer using
> directfb-gtk (is that still around anymore?) without loading all of X
> and the entire desktop.
> --
> Michael R. Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://picasaweb.google.com/demiri.head.wedding

Probably the best solution for every software is to make things
smaller. Smaller codes compile and run faster, just as a nuclear
reaction provides more power versus any kind of reaction, or an
optimized XML, SVG and HTML get parsed much faster because of their
smaller scale.

If developers would start evaluating quantum effects on their
software, we probably can run GNOME on a calculator! (metaphorically

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