On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 08:44:56PM +0000, Tormod Volden wrote:
> The below, inlined patch introduces the boot option "lowraminstall" which
> boots the computer directly into Ubiquity in a minimal X session. I would
> suggest sneaking this into Gutsy, as a hidden and unsupported possibility
> for those who need it. If people are happy with it, the extra line in the
> boot menu in isolinux.cfg can be added in a later version. Further
> enhancements would be to avoid starting printing and network daemons etc
> that are not needed during installation.

Sorry to be so late in reply.  We actually already have most of the code
for this as a result of work that was done for the Wubi specification.
We just need to add it to the isolinux menu, but we're waiting for Hardy
to do that.


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