Till Kamppeter wrote:
> Mike Fedyk wrote:
>> How does this relate to using avahi for printer discovery?
> Do we use avahi for network printer discovery? How do I invoke a scan
> for network printers via avahi? How is a GUI (GNOME/KDE) user supposed
> to set up a network printer on a Ubuntu box?

 From what I saw in the 2007 LCA Video there are patches for cups to use 
avahi, and it is a generic framework for service advertisement and 
discovery.  Think open source zeroconf.


>> Are there
>> any other systems that use snmp for printer discovery where using snmp
>> will make them "just work" also?
> As far as I know, the snmp backend of CUPS is the only tool to search
> for network printers via SNMP.

I'm mostly asking about snmp support to see if it will give us instant 
interoperability with other systems that scan for printers via snmp.  If 
so, snmp in cups and avahi both at the same time is probably a good idea.

>> If the snmp backend for cups does get activated, Feisty is probably
>> better than Feisty+1 LTS because we probably don't want to add a lot of
>> new features in a LTS release cycle.  Instead focus should be on bug
>> fixing and polish instead of new features.
> Will Feisty+1 be the next LTS? If so, will the SNMP backend get
> deactivated there again? Or why is Feisty better than Feisty+1 LTS when
> activating the SNMP backend?

AFAIK LTS releases are every 18 months, so Dapper+3.

I'd rather get a new feature in before a LTS release if possible to 
allow people bang on it harder (or even accidentally) to be better 
prepared for the LTS release.


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