Quoting Arwyn Hainsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> There is a need for a remote administration program. The ones
> currently available do not suit my needs or those of my clients. As a
> result I'm going to have to implement my own. However this time I
> would like to do it 'right'.
> I have outlined my basic ideas and proposals in the following Spec:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RemoteAdministrationServer
> It's still a bit basic, but that is something this e-mail is meant to 
> rectify.
> I would like to hear as many suggestions, proposals and tips as
> possible and maybe even some help in the implementation.
> Arwyn Hainsworth


Cou could take a look at the LDAP based administration infrstructure 
used by the
Limux project, that deployes Linux in the adminsitration of the 
Bavarian capital



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