-This bug first filed Oct 22/06.  
Since that time:

-Zero acknowledgment from Ubuntu bug maintainers of this bug report.
Status: Still Unconfirmed   Importance: Still Undecided  Assigned: Still Not 

-Over 20 bug reports from other users experiencing similar issues to
this bug since that time in this bug report, along with countless
similar reports on Ubuntu Forums, other forums, on chat rooms, on blog
and filings to Digg and Slashdot.

Bug Severity: Critical.  People simply can't load Edgy Live Desktop.

Workaround: You can't work around it with ctrl-alt-F1 to get to console.

Solution: Please continue to report this bug here, even though Ubuntu
Devs are ignoring it.  As part of this, please read the initial report
closely to ensure you are experiencing the same bug and not a similar
variation.    Please all your hardware specs and clearly outline the
steps you took up to experiencing the bug.

Install 6:10 Failure: Black screen at Live Desktop Stage

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