It's very,very strange case
I have tried on second machine (same hardware with 15'' LCD)
1) xubuntu 7.04 x64 daily 13.03.2007 safe mode
2) kubuntu 7.04 x64 Herd 5 safe mode
the distro wrote 'kernel live, address table bla-bla-bla' and after the distro 

As I remember I could start same distros in safe mode and start X by init 5
on first machine (same hardware with 19'' LCD)
distros starts from safe mode with display bugs on first machine

if you have any ideas I can test them tomorrow or next week

and I found than the x64 distro can load in vmware virtual machine on
second machine. I think the problem derived by incompatibility with ATI
Radeon X700 + LCD (does x64 distro use other video driver than x86

The splash programs fail if videosystem uses DVI

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