Forgot to mention download alternative cd install in text mode
when you restart  choose safe mode option.Wait for command prompt type lspci 
get the busid number for your pci graphics card mine was 01:00:0 it might list 
two use the vga one.Then back at the command prompt type sudo dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver-xorg choose ati then tab and enter.Go through all the options when you 
get to your pci busid type the number of your card in.Then restart pc worked 
for me if you get an error message could not allocate pci region 0 or something 
like that
pc will still start but do this work around:Open you GRUB configuration file.

sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

To proceed, you'll need to know the framebuffer code for your desired



vga=785               640x480

vga=788                800x600 

vga=791                1024x768

vga=794                1280x1024  


      Automatic (and update-proof) GRUB Configuration

Find the line

# defoptions=quiet splash

and add your framebuffer resolution code, e.g. (for 1024x768)

# defoptions=quiet splash vga=791

Save the file, then execute

sudo update-grub

This will now keep even after any future kernel update, unlike the
method below. You're all done.


[regression][rv280] black screen and console freeze when X starts - drm lockup

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