The annual ACM Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) is the premier 
international event for  interdisciplinary research on the development, 
application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents with the specific 
focus on the ability to socially interact. Such agents can be embodied 
graphically (e.g. virtual characters, embodied conversational agents) or 
physically (e.g. robots). They are capable of real-time perception, cognition, 
emotion and action allowing them to participate in dynamic social  
environments. This includes human-like interaction qualities such as multimodal 
communication using facial expressions, speech, and gesture, conversational 
interaction, socially assistive and affective interaction, interactive 
task-oriented cooperation, or social behaviour simulation. IVAs are highly 
relevant and widely applied in many important domains including health, 
tutoring, training, games, or assisted living.

We invite submissions of research on a broad range of topics, including but not 
limited to: theoretical foundations of intelligent virtual agents, agent and 
interactive behaviour modelling, evaluation, agents in simulations, games, and 
other applications. Please see the detailed list of topics below.

IVA 2023 will take place in Würzburg, Germany. Würzburg is a vibrant town 
located by the river Main in northern Bavaria, between Frankfurt and Nuremberg. 
The mix of stunning historical architecture and the young population is what 
makes the atmosphere so unique, including 35,000 students from three different 
universities. The mild and sunny climate is ideal to enjoy the many activities 
Würzburg has to offer: visiting a beer garden next to the river, attending a 
sporting or cultural event or taking a stroll through one of the parks. 

IVA is targeted to be an in-person conference. In case of extraordinary 
circumstances, such as visa problems or health issues, video presentation will 
be possible. However, there is no digital or hybrid conference system planned, 
thus it is not possible to attend this year’s IVA conference remotely.

 Abstract submission: April 14, 2023
 Paper submission: April 18, 2023
 Review notification / start of rebuttal: May 31, 2023
 Notification of acceptance: June 23, 2023
 Camera ready deadline: July 18, 2023
 Conference: September 19-22, 2023
 All deadlines are anywhere on earth (UTC−12).

 - Full Papers (7 pages + 1 additional page for references): Full papers should 
present significant, novel, and substantial work of high quality.
 - Extended Abstracts (2 pages + 1 additional page for references):  Extended 
abstracts may contain early results and work in progress.
 - Demos (2 pages + 1 additional page for references +1 one page with demo 
requirements): Demos submissions focus on implemented systems and should 
contain a link to a video of the system
 with a maximum length of 5 minutes.

 All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by a group of external 
expert reviewers. All accepted submissions will be published in the ACM 
proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. Accepted full papers will be presented 
either in oral sessions or as posters during the conference (depending on the 
nature of the contribution), extended abstracts will be presented as posters, 
and demos will be showcased in dedicated sessions during the conference. For 
each accepted contribution, at  least one of the authors must register for the 

 IVA 2023 will also feature workshops and a doctoral consortium. Please visit 
the website 
 for more details and updates.

For full paper submissions, IVA will have different paper tracks with different 
review criteria. Authors need to indicate which one of the following tracks 
they want to submit their paper to:

1. Empirical Studies — criteria: methodology, theoretical foundation, 
originality of result etc.
2. Computational Models and Methods — criteria: technical soundness, novelty of 
the model or approach, proof of concept, etc.
3. Operational Systems and Applications —  criteria: innovation of the 
application, societal relevance, evaluation of effects, etc.

 IVA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited 

 - Cognition (e.g. task, social, other)
 - Emotion, personality and cultural differences
 - Socially communicative behaviour (e.g., of emotions, personality, 
 - Conversational and dialog behavior
 - Social perception and understanding of other’s states or traits
 - Machine learning approaches to agent modeling
 - Adaptive behavior and interaction dynamics
 - Models informed by theoretical and empirical research from psychology

 - Verbal and nonverbal behavior coordination (synthesis)
 - Multimodal/social behavior processing
 - Face-to-face communication skills
 - Interaction qualities engagement, rapport, etc.)
 - Managing co-presence and interpersonal relation
 - Multi-party interaction
 - Data-driven modeling

 - Design criteria and design methodologies
 - Engineering of real-time human-agent interaction
 - Standards / measures to support interoperability
 - Portability and reuse
 - Specialized tools, toolkits, and toolchains

 - Evaluation methodologies and user studies
 - Metrics and measures
 - Ethical considerations and societal impact
 - Applicable lessons across fields (e.g. between robotics and virtual agents)
 - Social agents as a means to study and model human behavior

 - Applications in education, skills training, health, counseling, games, art, 
 - Virtual agents in games and simulations
 - Social agents as tools in psychology, neuroscience, social simulation, etc
 - Migration between platforms

In addition to the traditional IVA topics, this year’s conference plans a 
special session on “IVAs in future mixed realities”, e.g., in social VR and 
potential incarnations of a Metaverse. Immersive and potentially
 distributed artificial virtual worlds provide new forms of full-size embodied 
human-human interaction via avatars of arbitrary looks, enabling interesting 
intra- and interpersonal effects. They also enable hybrid
 avatar-agent interactions between humans and A.I.s, unlocking the full 
potential of non-verbal behavior in digital face-to-face encounters, 
significantly enhancing the design space for IVAs to assist, guide, help
 but also to persuade and affect interacting users. We welcome all kinds of 
novel research on technological, psychological, and sociological determinants 
of such immersive digital avatar-agent encounters for this special session.

Paper submissions should be anonymous and prepared in the “ACM Standard” 
format, more specifically the “SigConf” format. Please consult
for the Latex template, word interim template, or connection to the overleaf 
platform. All papers need to be submitted in PDF-format.

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging 
that you and your co- authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, 
including Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and 
Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will 
be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in 
addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can 
complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved 
in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID 
IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and 
will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve 
author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing 
community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these 

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in 
the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first 
day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for 
any patent filings related to published work.

This event is sponsored by SIGAI.

Please visit the conference website for detailed information on how to submit 
your paper.


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