After 14 years as faculty at the University of California (San Diego), Prof. 
Angela Yu has recently joined TU Darmstadt as an Alexander von Humboldt AI 
Professor. Immediately available, and for the foreseeable future, are multiple 
positions for:
- Postdocs
- PhD students
- Master’s students
- Interns
- Research assistants
Prof. Yu’s group conducts research at the intersection of natural and 
artificial intelligence. Her group uses mathematically rigorous and 
algorithmically diverse tools to understand the nature of representation and 
computations that give rise to intelligent behavior, with particular regard to 
the challenges posed by inferential uncertainty and the opportunities afforded 
by volitional control. Using diverse machine learning and statistical tools, 
e.g. Bayesian statistical modeling, control theory, reinforcement learning, and 
information theory, theoretical frameworks and mathematical models are 
developed to explain disparate aspects of cognition importation for 
intelligence: perception, attention, decision-making, learning, cognitive 
control, active sensing, economic behavior, and social interactions.

Some example research questions currently pursued in the group include:
- How does the ability to move and interact with the world facilitate 
perception, decision making, and representation learning?
- Are human attention and working memory capacity limitation bugs or features?
- How do humans represent and process faces?
- How does the brain learn a general-purpose representation with so little 
labeled data and in the absence of concrete tasks?
- How are humans so good at problem solving and logical reasoning, and yet also 
prone to certain fallacies and illusion in cognition & perception?
- What do IQ tests actually measure and what light can they shed on AI research?
- What roles do intrinsic motivations such as curiosity and emotions play in 

With her expertise in computational neuroscience and cognitive science, as well 
as her previous experience in computational modeling and collaborations with 
psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, and 
mathematicians, Dr. Yu will strengthen and complement research at the Centre 
for Cognitive Science at TU Darmstadt and at hessian.AI, the Centre for 
Artificial Intelligence of Hesse based in Darmstadt. Her group members are 
encouraged and expected to collaborate extensively with preeminent researchers 
in cognitive science, AI, neuroscience, and related fields in Darmstadt and 
nearby research centers (Frankfurt, Mainz, Marburg, Gießen, Heidelberg, 
Tübingen, etc.).

Positions are available immediately, and will remain open until filled. 
Salaries are commensurate with experience and expertise, and highly competitive 
with U.S. and European standards. Written and spoken fluency in English is 
required. Fluency in German is not.

Interested candidates should send to Prof. Yu ( a CV, 
transcript(s), contact info for 2-4 references, as well as a statement of 
research detailing why the candidate and Prof. Yu’s group are a particularly 
good fit for each other.

Prof. Dr. Angela Yu
Alexander v. Humboldt AI Professor
Center of Cognitive Science &
Hessian AI Institute
Technical University of Darmstadt

Adjunct Professor
Dept. of Cognitive Science &
Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute
UC San Diego

Prof. Yu's “Computational Cognitive Neuroscience” research group at TU 
Darmstadt has openings at all different levels: postdocs, PhD students, 
Master's students, secretary, technical personnel, & research 
assistants/interns. Please contact Prof. Yu ( for more 

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