You are welcome to apply for the 4th **Nordic Probabilistic AI School** (ProbAI) 2023 being held on June 12-16 in Trondheim (Norway).
**APPLY NOW** at — The application deadline is March 1. ## What to expect from ProbAI 2023? The ProbAI is here to provide an inclusive education environment serving state-of-the-art expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence with a probabilistic twist. Whether you are a PhD student, advanced MSc or BSc student, experienced researcher, engineer, or simply a hobbyist, you're welcome to join our community of learners. With a carefully designed curriculum and a seamless blend of theory and hands-on sessions, our expert team of invited lecturers will guide you through five intensive days each dedicated to a different topic: introduction to probabilistic modeling, variational inference and optimization, deep generative models, Bayesian neural networks and Bayesian workflow, and causality. With our cutting-edge lecture room we should experience a collaborative and immersive learning environment where students, lecturers, and teaching assistants work together to deliver an efficient and high-quality knowledge transfer. ## Program & Lecturers Let our team of invited lecturers take you from the foundations up to the state-of-the-art. * Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling (Day 1): * Antonio Salmerón (University of Almería) * Andrés R. Masegosa (Aalborg University) * Thomas Dyhre Nielsen (Aalborg University) * Arto Klami (University of Helsinki) * Variational Inference and Optimization (Day 2) * Andrés R. Masegosa (Aalborg University) * Thomas Dyhre Nielsen (Aalborg University) * Helge Langseth (NTNU) * Deep Generative Models (Day 3) * Rianne van den Berg (Microsoft Research) * Chin-Wei Huang (Microsoft Research) * Victor Garcia Satorras (Microsoft Research) * Bayesian Neural Networks and Bayesian Workflow (Day 4) * Yingzhen Li (Imperial College London) * Elizaveta Semenova (University of Oxford) * Causality (Day 5) * Adèle H. Ribeiro (University of Marburg) * Fredrik D. Johansson (Chalmers University of Technology) For details, visit our website at ## Registration Fee * Students (including PhD) → 2500 NOK (~250 EUR) * Academia → 5000 NOK (~500 EUR) * Industry → 10 000 NOK (~1000 EUR) ## Scholarships The ProbAI school has available scholarships if the registration fee or travel costs may prevent you from attending the school. Our scholarships are aimed primarily for applicants from developing countries and under-represented groups. The registration fee includes all courses, coffee breaks, lunches and banquet. ## Organizers The 2023 edition of the Nordic Probabilistic AI School (ProbAI) is being hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and organized with the support of Norwegian Open AI Lab. ## Contact * Website: * Twitter: * Facebook:
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