We are excited to be sending out the call for the Neuro-symbolic AI for Agent 
and Multi-Agent systems workshop at AAMAS-2023. Details below. It is organized 
by the Turing special interest group (link at the bottom). Perhaps one of these 
of interest.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Neuro-symbolic AI for Agent and Multi-Agent systems [NeSyMAS] 

[part of AAMAS 2023; London, UK; 29th May-2nd June 2023]

Paper submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nesymas2023

AI has vast potential, some of which has been realised by developments in deep 
learning methods. However, it has become clear that these approaches have 
reached an impasse and that such “sub-symbolic” or “neuro-inspired” techniques 
only work well for certain classes of problem and are generally opaque to both 
analysis and understanding. "Symbolic" AI techniques, based on rules, logic and 
reasoning, while not as efficient as “sub-symbolic” approaches, have better 
behaviour in terms of transparency, explainability, verifiability and, indeed, 
trustworthiness. A new direction described as “neuro-symbolic” AI combines the 
efficiency of “sub-symbolic” AI with he transparency of “symbolic” AI. This 
combination potentially provides a new wave of AI systems that are both 
interpretable and elaboration tolerant and can integrate reasoning and learning 
in avery general way.

Though there is work on neuro-symbolic AI for competing with classical ML 
models, such as its use of label-free supervision and graph embeddings, there 
is much less on the use for agent modelling or multi-agent systems. Especially 
in a multi-agent context, the use of symbolic models for mental state reasoning 
together with low-level perception patterns or formation of reasoning-capable 
representations from subsymbolic data, all represent promising areas where MAS 
offers a unique perspective.

This workshop’s aim is thus to assemble leading-edge work in which 
neuro-symbolic AI approaches and MAS interact.

TOPICS. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 
Explicit agency in neuro-symbolic multi-agent systems Neuro-symbolic 
Reinforcement Learning Neuro-symbolic robotics and planning Mental models and 
epistemic logics for MAS Multiagency flavours Symbolic knowledge 
representations for subsymbolic MAS Neural-symbolic multi-agent systems Hybrid 
agent architectures Formal analysis of neural-symbolic multi-agent systems

SUBMISSION. We welcome unpublished technical papers of up to 8 pages, and short 
(2-4 pages) position papers. Papers should be written in English, be prepared 
for single-blind reviewing, be submitted as a PDF document, and conform to the 
formatting guidelines of AAMAS 2023: 

Papers selected for presentation at the workshop will be included in the 
workshop’s proceedings as open access publications, tentatively in CEUR 
(https://ceur-ws.org/) or EPTCS (https://www.eptcs.org/).

Please use the following link to submit your paper: 

DEADLINES. Important dates [All dates are 23:59 AoE] Paper submission deadline: 
13 March 2023 Paper acceptance notification: 17 April 2023 Camera-ready 
deadline: 15 May 2023 Workshop: 29 or 30 May, 2023

Organising Committee Vaishak Belle, University of Edinburgh, UK Michael Fisher, 
University of Manchester, UK Xiaowei Huang, University of Liverpool, UK 
Masoumeh Mansouri, University of Birmingham, UK Albert Meroño-Peñuela, King’s 
College London, UK Sriraam Natarajan, UT Dallas, USA Efi Tsamoura, Samsung 
Cambridge, UK

This workshop is organised by the Interest Group in Neuro-Symbolic AI of The 
Alan Turing Institute. You can find more information about us and how to join 
the Interest Group on our website, 
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with 
registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh 
Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

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