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From: Barbara Pekala
* Apologies for cross-postings *

Dear Colleagues,
we are organizing a special session on "Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering 
Applications" at the next conference FUZZ-IEEE 2023 to be held in Songdo 
Incheon, Korea on August 13-17, 2023.
Here are some details:
The session aims at exchanging the experiences of researchers and practitioners 
that use fuzzy methods and their extensions to cope with uncertainty in solving 
industrial problems and discussing possible future developments in this area.

*       Research papers are of interest in the following topics:
Imprecise information modeling with interval, fuzzy, rough, and other methods; 
Federated learning; Image processing and computer vision; Information 
retrieval; Knowledge representation and engineering; Decision-making models; 
Expert systems; Intelligent data analysis and data mining; Approximate 

*       Potential areas of application, among others, include:
Production engineering; Medical and Healthcare systems; Business Process 
Modeling; Social and economic models.

Submissions are made through the FUZZIEEE2023 website. The deadline for 
submissions is February 15: 
Remind to select "Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering Applications" as "Main 
research topic".
The submissions will be subject to the same peer review process as regular 

1. Barbara Pękala, University of Rzeszow, University of Information Technology 
and Management, Rzeszów, Poland, bpek...@ur.edu.pl<mailto:bpek...@ur.edu.pl>
2. Krzysztof Dyczkowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland,  
3. Przemysław Grzegorzewski, Warsaw University of Technology and Systems 
Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland,  
4. Marek Reformat, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,  
Best regards,


prof. UR, dr hab. Barbara Pękala

University of Rzeszow, College of Natural Sciences, Institute of Computer 

Rzeszów, Poland

phone: +48 602129797

e-mail: bpek...@ur.edu.pl<mailto:bpek...@ur.edu.pl>
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