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Special Issue of a Springer journal "Archive of Applied Mechanics"


Numerical analysis and design of structures including polymorphic
uncertain data

edited by

Michael Kaliske, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany

Vladik Kreinovich, The University of Texas at El Paso, USA

Numerical simulation of structures is currently often characterized
by deterministic methods. Deterministic models of the reality
indicate preciseness and safety, while, on contrary all available
data and information are characterized by various types of
uncertainty (variability, imprecision, incompleteness), which
cannot be neglected. Polymorphic uncertainty comprehends all of
these types of uncertainty and their combinations. The main focus
of the special issue is the presentation of methods for the
numerical analysis and design of structures under consideration of
polymorphic data uncertainty.

Engineering solutions are characterized by inherent robustness and
flexibility as essential features for a faultless life of
structures under uncertain and changing conditions. Implementing
these features in a system requires comprehensive consideration of
uncertainty in the model parameters, in environmental and human
imposed loads as well as other types of intrinsic and epistemic
uncertainties. Numerical design of structures should be robust with
respect to (spatial and time dependent) uncertainties inherently
present in material characteristics, boundary conditions etc. This
requires in turn a reliable numerical analysis, assessment and
prediction of the lifecycle of structures, taking explicitly into
account the effect of unavoidable uncertainties (limited or dubious
information, human factors, subjectivity and experience, linguistic
assessment, imprecise measurement, unclear physics etc.).

Recent developments of numerical methods in the field of "real
world" engineering problems, which include a comprehensive
consideration of uncertainty and associated efficient analysis
techniques are requested. Contributions regarding respective
advanced methods, such as stochastic analysis, interval analysis,
fuzzy analysis, polymorphic uncertainty quantification, surrogate
modeling, multi-fidelity simulation and high performance computing
are explicitly invited. These may address the incorporation of
dependencies within and between uncertain quantities as well as
uncertainty models for spatial and temporal dependent quantities

At https://www.springer.com/journal/419, you can find the
submission system of the publisher. Please do not forget to
indicate the special issue when submitting. The deadline for
submissions is June 30, 2023.

We are looking forward to receiving your manuscripts.

Michael Kaliske 
michael.kali...@tu-dresden.de<mailto:michael.kali...@tu-dresden.de> and Vladik 
Kreinovich vla...@utepo.edu<mailto:vla...@utepo.edu>
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