19th AIAI 2023, 14 - 17 June 2023 Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Hybrid @ Web & León, Spain CALL FOR PAPERS for 19th AIAI 2023 Hybrid @ Web & León, Spain Dear colleagues We would like to invite you to submit your work at the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations ( <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/> AIAI2023) 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, AIAI 2023, is technically sponsored by IFIP Artificial Intelligence Applications WG12.5. It is going to be co-organized as a Joint event with 24th Conference on Engineering Applications and Advances of Artificial Intelligence EAAAI 2023, (ex EANN series), which is technically sponsored by the INNS (International Neural Network Society). <https://ifipaiai.org/> www.ifipaiai.org SPECIAL ISSUES & PROCEEDINGS: Selected papers will be published in high quality international scientific Journals. Journal list will be completed soon. More info can be found at <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/special-issues/> https://ifipaiai.org/2023/special-issues/ Proceedings will be published <https://www.springer.com/series/6102> SPRINGER IFIP AICT Series and they are <https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/information-on-abstractin g-and-indexing/799288> INDEXED BY SCOPUS, DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, IO-Port, MAthSciNet, CPCI, Zentralblatt MATH and EI Engineering Index Papers submissions will be up to 12 pages long and not less than 6 pages. BIBLIOMETRIC DETAILS: We proudly announce that according to Springers statistics, the last 16 AIAI conferences have been downloaded 2,030,000 times! IFIP AIAI series has reached h-index of 32 and published papers have been Cited more than 7700 times! For more Bibliometric Details please click <https://ifipaiai.org/bibliometrics/> AIAI BIBLIOMETRIC DETAILS IMPORTANT DATES: * Workshops & Special Sessions proposals deadline: 15th of January 2023 * Paper Submission Deadline: 26th of February 2023 * Notification of Acceptance: 26th of March 2023 * Camera ready Submission: 17th of April 2023 * Early / Authors Registration Deadline: 17th of April 2023 * Conference: 14 - 17 of June 2023 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: So far, two Plenary Lectures have been announced, both by distinguished Professors with an important imprint in AI and Machine Learning. * Professor Yaochu Jin Bielefeld University, Germany and Distinguished Chair, University of Surrey Title: Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search: Computational Efficiency, Privacy Preservation and Robustness Enhancement. <https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=B5WAkz4AAAAJ&hl=en> Visit Google Scholar profile, h-index: 93 * Professor Plamen Angelov Lancaster University, UK Title: TBA <https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=CCW8PwkAAAAJ&hl=en> Visit Google Scholar profile, h-index: 61 More info can be found at <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/keynote-speakers/> https://ifipaiai.org/2023/keynote-speakers/ WORKSHOPS & SPECIAL SESSIONS: So far, the following high-quality Workshops have been accepted and scheduled: * Visual Analytics Approaches for Complex Problems in Engineering and Biomedicine (VAA-CP-EB) * Anomaly Detection in Unstructured Data (ADUD) For Workshop & Special Session proposals please contact with Prof. Lazaros Iliadis at <mailto:lilia...@civil.duth.gr> lilia...@civil.duth.gr VENUE: All conference activities will take place at: School of Industrial, Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering, University of León, Spain Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial, Informática y Aeroespacial, Universidad de León, España For details please see: <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/venue/> https://ifipaiai.org/2023/venue/ Conference topics, CFPs, Submissions & Registration details can be found at: * <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/call-for-papers/> ifipaiai.org/2023/calls-for-papers/ * <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/paper-submission/> ifipaiai.org/2023/paper-submission/ * <https://ifipaiai.org/2023/registration/> ifipaiai.org/2023/registration/ We are expecting Submissions on all topics related to Artificial and Computational Intelligence and their Applications. Detailed Guidelines on the Topics and the submission details can be found at the links above General co-Chairs: * Ilias Maglogiannis, University of Piraeus, Greece * John Macintyre, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom * Manuel Domínguez, Universidad de León, Spain Program co-Chairs: * Lazaros Iliadis, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece * Serafin Alonso Castro, Universidad de León, Spain Organizing co-Chairs: * Antonios Papaleonidas, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece * Antonio Moran, Universidad de León, Spain
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