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*ACML 2022*
The 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning
Hyderabad, India
December 12-14, 2022
We invite you to attend the 14th Asian Conference on Machine Learning.
ACML 2022 aims to provide a leading international forum for Machine
Learning researchers to share their new ideas and progress.  The conference
will be conducted in a hybrid mode. Physical events would be hosted in
Hyderabad, India.

Highlights of the conference


   - *Manik Varma <http://manikvarma.org/>, *Partner Researcher, Microsoft
   Research India and Adjunct Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
   - *Kamalika Chaudhuri <https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~kamalika/>, *Research
   Scientist, Meta AI & Professor, University of California San Diego
   - *Taiji Suzuki <http://ibis.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/suzuki/>, *Associate
   Professor, The University of Tokyo
   - *Andreas Krause <https://las.inf.ethz.ch/krausea>, *Professor of
   Computer Science, ETH Zurich

Visit here <https://www.acml-conf.org/2022/invited_speakers.html> for more
details on the invited talks


   1. Machine Learning for Medical Imaging (ML4MI) - Current Trends and
   Future Roadmap <https://ai4mi.github.io/acml2022-ml4mi-workshop/>
   2. Weakly Supervised Learning Workshop
   3. Workshop on Continual Lifelong Learning


   1. *Deep Generative Models for Sequential Decision Making*; Aditya
   Grover, Assistant Professor of CS at UCLA.
   2. *Cooperative multi-agent learning: a review of progress and
   challenges*; Yali Du, King’s college London and Joel Leibo, Deepmind
   3. *AI4code*; Srikanth G Tamilselvam and Dinesh Garg, IBM Research India.
   4. *Optimization and learning with Markovian data*; Praneeth Netrapalli
   and Dheeraj M Nagaraj, Google Research India

View the list of accepted papers in the conference here

ACML is open for registrations for both in-person and virtual attendance
here <https://www.acml-conf.org/2022/registration.html>.  Early Bird
registration closes 27th November.

Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, India


   - Google
   - Microsoft Research
   - KLA
   - IBM Research
   - Friendship 2.0
   - OPPO
   - Qualcomm
uai mailing list

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