Multiple positions in the new Centre for AI Fundamentals in Manchester: 
(Senior) Lecturer / Asst Prof, PhD students, Research Software Engineer, Centre 
Manager and Translational Research Manager

(Senior) Lecturer / Asst Prof in Machine Learning in Manchester, DL Nov 17. One 
more position to join our our new with already 
5+ new academics, plus many old-timers in ELLIS Unit Manchester, UoM branch of 
the Alan Turing Institute and in @idsai_uom . Now we have kick-started e.g. a 
strong presence in NeurIPS2022.

PhD students: I am looking for PhD students in Probabilistic Machine learning; 
especially welcoming Multi-Agent RL for Human-AI Teamwork, as some really 
excellent ones will soon graduate and move on. But I have a few other topics 
too... DL Nov 15

Research Software Engineer position designed to bring the best of permanent 
good job at an excellent Univ, and top-notch Machine Learning with 
 in the new Centre for AI Fundamentals<> - DL Nov 22<>

Centre Manager for the Centre for AI Fundamentals and ELLIS Unit Manchester, 
and Translational Research Manager: Stay tuned; the positions will be open any 
day now...

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