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Call for Demo Papers (max 3 pages) https://www.percom.org/call-for-demo-papers/ Important Dates Demo proposal submission deadline: November 14th, 2022 Notification of acceptance: January 5, 2023 Camera-ready deadline: January 30, 2023 Call for Work in Progress (max 4 pages) https://www.percom.org/work-in-progress-wip-session/ Important Dates Submission Deadline: December 9, 2022 Notification of Acceptance: January 16, 2023 Camera Ready Deadline: January 30, 2023 Call for PhD Forum Contributions (max 2 pages) https://www.percom.org/call-for-phd-forum-contributions/ Important Dates Extended abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2022, 23:59 AoE Notification of acceptance: January 16, 2023 Camera-ready paper due: January 30, 2023 Call for Industry Track Papers (max 6 pages) https://www.percom.org/the-percom-industry-track/ Important dates Paper submission deadline: 14 October, 2022 AoE (extended) Notification of acceptance: 22 December 2022 Camera ready deadline: January 30, 2023 Call for Artifacts (TBD) https://www.percom.org/call-for-artifacts/ TBA ========================================================== PerCom 2023 Workshops (https://www.percom.org/list-of-workshops/): Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2022 Notification of acceptance: January 5, 2023 Camera Ready Deadline: January 30, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------- ALPACA 2023 - 2nd Workshop on Adaptive, Learning PervAsive Computing Applications During the past decade, many different research communities have explored the aspects of (self-)adaptation in pervasive computing (PerCom) systems or related system domains, such as Organic/Autonomic Computing, SASO systems (self-adaptive systems and self-organizing systems), or Self-aware Computing Systems. Those systems often integrate nature- or biologically inspired approaches to adjust the systems resources to changes in the dynamic environment and to establish robustness against disturbances. The Workshop on Adaptive, Learning PervAsive Applications (ALPACA) provides a forum to foster interaction and collaboration between the research communities of adaptive, learning and pervasive computing systems, raising the awareness about related research efforts and synergies that can be exploited to advance the state of the art. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/alpaca-workshop --------------------------------------------------------------- ARDUOUS 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems Labelling user data is a central part of the design and evaluation of pervasive systems that aim to support the user through situation-aware reasoning. It is essential both in designing and training the system to recognise and reason about the situation, either through the definition of a suitable situation model in knowledge-driven applications, or though the preparation of training data for learning tasks in data-driven models. Hence, the quality of annotations can have a significant impact on the performance of the derived systems. Labelling is also vital for validating and quantifying the performance of applications. With pervasive systems relying increasingly on large datasets for designing and testing models of users’ activities, the process of data labelling is becoming a major concern for the community. Even more, with the increase of pervasive applications relying on annotated data, it becomes important to develop standards and normalisation methodologies for transferability of annotated data across different applications. To address the problem, this year’s workshop focuses on experiences with existing tools, datasets and annotation approaches in real-world use cases, including negative outcomes and the reflection of possible resolutions of the related problems. Website: https://text2hbm.org/arduous/ --------------------------------------------------------------- BIRD 2023 - 2nd International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery BiRD workshop aims to provide a forum for presenting and discussing research on the recognition and understanding of behavior data collected from various sources, such as humans, animals, and automobiles, towards scientific discovery (e.g., ecology and medical science) and/or actual business applications (e.g., industry, sports, healthcare, and stockbreeding). In addition, we plan to invite biologists and neuroscientists who have collected and analyzed behavior data of various animals. Therefore, this workshop provides a good opportunity for the PerCom researchers to apply the developed state-of-the-art methods to actual problems. Website: https://bio-navigation.jp/bird2023/ --------------------------------------------------------------- BRAIN 2023 - 4th Workshop on Blockchain theoRy and ApplicatIoNs We welcome submissions to the 4th Workshop on Blockchain theoRy and ApplicatIoNs - BRAIN 2023. This workshop aims to provide a venue for researchers from both academy and industry to present and discuss important topics on blockchain technology. The workshop’s goal is to present results on both theoretical and more applicative open challenges, as well as to provide a venue to showcase the current state of existing proposals. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to an accepted special issue of the international journal ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice ( https://dl.acm.org/journal/dlt). Website: https://sites.google.com/view/brain-2023/ --------------------------------------------------------------- Cloud2Things 2023 - 3rd Workshop on From Cloud to Things: harnessing pervasive data in the Computing Continuum The Computing Continuum concept refers to the opportunity of taking advantage of a broad computing context that mixes Cloud, Edge and IoT resources, thus providing a "continuum" of computing services that promise to fulfill the need of most demanding applications. In order for applications to access such a pervasive computing environment in a safe, transparent and uniform fashion, smart solutions need to be devised that support agile provisioning and management of the resources offered by heterogeneous infrastructures (possibly owned by different providers) along the Things-to-Cloud path. The heterogeneity of the involved computing resources, the interplay of communication networks and protocols, the diverse data management policies enforced by resource owners are some of the issues that must be faced. This workshop encourages submissions that address opportunities and issues of the computing continuum landscape, and proposes experimental solutions, case studies, deployed systems and best practices in this specific research context. Website: https://cloud2things.netsons.org/2023/index.html --------------------------------------------------------------- COMOREA 2023 - 19th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition CoMoRea aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in context modeling, recognition, and reasoning and also discuss fundamental issues in context processing and management. The goal is to identify concepts, theories, and methods applicable to context modeling and context reasoning as well as system-oriented issues related to the design and implementation of context-aware systems. Particular attention will be paid to hybrid approaches for context modeling and reasoning. For instance, combining machine learning and knowledge-based methods for context reasoning (e.g., activity recognition) is a recent and promising research direction that still needs to be investigated. Among the huge amount of types of context, human activities play a major role. Indeed, human activity recognition (HAR) is a hot topic that the community has been tackling for more than a decade. Open research problems in HAR are mainly related to real-world deployments. While our workshop considers HAR as one of the most important contexts, contributions that tackle other context-awareness research problems are clearly welcome as well. Website: http://comorea.org/ --------------------------------------------------------------- EMOTIONAWARE 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Emotion Awareness for Pervasive Computing beyond traditional approaches The workshop will explore the challenges of the sensing, modelling, and recognizing of emotions by using embedded sensors in smartphones, in wearable devices, and pervasive sensors (e.g. RF sensors) for pervasive computing. We aim to have unique contributions addressing these challenges and to provide a discussion space to facilitate collaboration among researchers interested in emotion recognition for pervasive computing. Website: https://www.comtec.eecs.uni-kassel.de/emotionaware/ --------------------------------------------------------------- PDT 2023 - 1st Workshop on Pervasive Digital Twins Digital Twins are inherently pervasive because they digitize a physical process in the original sense of Weiser’s vision for ubiquitous computing. Digital Twins can help to standardize how data in a pervasive context should be collect, stored, analysed, and presented. Definitions abound but no commonly accepted platform or format has yet arrived. Yet, the use of Digital Twins to describe systems is on the rise. Can we find common ground to understand Digital Twins in a pervasive context? Papers on the topic of Digital Twins, broadly conceived are welcome! Website: https://dtws.csfm.ethz.ch --------------------------------------------------------------- PERAWARECITY 2023 - 8th International Workshop on Pervasive Context-Aware Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems Eighth IEEE PerAwareCity invites contributions on pervasive systems and solutions in smart city contexts. This includes among others IoT, Big Data in smart cities, cyber-physical systems and society, crowdsensing, building and managing smart city platforms, and improving the accessibility of urban infrastructures. Almost all smart city related problems, which are important for societal welfare, and could potentially be solved using AI /ML techniques, can be presented in this workshop by researchers from industry and academia. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/perawarecity2023/ --------------------------------------------------------------- PERCONAI 2023 - 2nd Workshop on Pervasive and Resource-Constrained Artificial Intelligence PeRConAI seeks to gather contributions addressing the challenges posed by the intersection of two domains: pervasive computing and artificial intelligence, with particular attention to the limited amount of computational resources available on the edge and IoT devices. Eligible contributions can address the challenges related to (i) distributed/decentralised learning; (ii) efficient methods for training/inference on resource-constrained devices; training under no or partial (both semi and weak) supervision. At PeRConAI, we welcome foundational contributions (e.g., new efficient algorithms or lightweight AI models) and solutions for specific application domains, e.g., anomaly detection, video stream processing, and audio signal processing. Website: https://perconai.iit.cnr.it/ --------------------------------------------------------------- PERFAIL 2023 - 2nd International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing Not all research leads to fruitful results, trying new ways or methods may surpass the state of the art, but sometimes the hypothesis is not proven or the improvement is insignificant. But failure to succeed is not failure to progress. PerFail 2023 aims to create a platform for sharing insights, experiences, and lessons learned when conducting research in the area of pervasive computing, systems and networking. Works that shed light on unconvincing results, underperforming experiments, unconventional/controversial results and "hard-to-publish" works are welcome, provided they share insights and lessons learnt from these experiences. We also invite submissions from experienced researchers that recounts post-mortem of experiments/research directions they have failed in the past (e.g. in a story-based format). With this workshop, our aim is to normalize the negative outcomes and inherent failures while conducting research in pervasive computing, systems and networking, and provide a complementary view to all the success stories in these fields. Website: https://perfail-workshop.github.io/2023/ --------------------------------------------------------------- PERSASN 2023 - 1st Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Smart Autonomous Systems and Networks The 21st century is witnessing an explosion in the number of smart autonomous systems and networks (SASN). The use cases of autonomous systems include autonomous systems for enabling Industry 4.0, robotic applications, smart city use cases, autonomous distributed computing, autonomous vehicles, reconfigurable computing, and many others. Making systems smart and intelligent yields high benefits for all the stakeholders, such as government entities, manufacturers, and the public. Such systems will transform user accessibility, productivity, and organization capabilities. It is of paramount importance to improve the utilization of heterogeneous sensing, communication, computing, storage, and control resources for determining fine-grained innovative autonomous networking solutions. The workshop invites high-quality research papers in the field of Pervasive Computing for Smart Autonomous Systems and Networks (SASNs) using state-of-the-art technologies. This workshop would serve as a forum for researchers from academia, government, and industries, to exchange ideas, present new results, and provide future visions on these topics Website: https://sites.google.com/view/persasn2023 --------------------------------------------------------------- PERVEHICLE 2023 - 5th International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular Systems 5th International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular Systems (PerVehicle 2023) aims to provide researchers and practitioners a forum for presenting and discussing research challenges on pervasive and mobile computing technologies for intelligent vehicular systems. Pervasive computing technologies, including wireless networking, mobile and distributed computing, sensor systems, ambient intelligence, and smart devices, will play more important roles in designing, managing, and realizing intelligent/smart vehicular systems. The main focus of this workshop is on such pervasive and mobile computing for/by vehicular systems. Contributions describing an overall working system and reporting real-world deployment experiences are particularly of interest. Website: https://www.pervehicle.org/ --------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVACOM 2023 - 1st Workshop on Privacy Preserving Computation in Pervasive Computing The First Workshop on Privacy Preserving Computation in Pervasive Computing (PrivaCom 2023) aims to bring together researchers working on different aspects of privacy-preserving data analysis. In most real world scenarios, collected data can be analyzed to reveal sensitive information that users would be unwilling to share if they were aware of the consequences. Since securely and privately managing sensitive user data is of tremendous importance, PrivaCom will foster the design of innovative privacy-preserving applications and techniques that are able to operate while preserving the confidentiality of sensitive information. Website: https://privacom2023.github.io/ --------------------------------------------------------------- STARLESS 2023 - 2nd workshop on Serverless computing for pervasive cloud-edge-device systems and services *LESS is a unique opportunity to challenge the current serverless design and platforms,and the Function-as-a-Service programming model, with issues specific to decentralized and pervasive systems, applications, and services. The workshop welcomes contributions from experts in the networking, virtualization, and edge-cloud computing scientific areas. Research contributions in the following areas are expected: pervasive applications and services, pervasive deployments, distributed computing, pervasive networking, pervasive analytics, energy efficiency. Website: https://starless.iit.cnr.it/ --------------------------------------------------------------- TELMED 2023 - 2nd workshop on Telemedicine and e-Health evolution in the new era of social distancing The TELMED Workshop will investigate the design, realisation and assessment of innovative computing, networking, and communication technologies as enablers to improve and sustain the access to various services all supporting and promoting a more inclusive remote health care. These technologies coupled or embedded in medical protocols or devices can answer these new challenges, stimulating the introduction of new products, systems, devices, and tools for ensuring a continuous, efficient, effective, and inclusive health monitoring and medical assistance, both supporting patients at their home, including those living in remote areas, and citizens accessing primary care, also fostering new medical capabilities in hospitals. The TELMED workshop invites and calls for participation both representatives of academia and industry across the world interested in discussing on the last evolution of Telemedicine and e-Health to answer to new societal needs ensuring an easy and diffused access to primary care, improving the quality of life, making the medicine more inclusive. Website: https://www.telmed.santannapisa.it/ --------------------------------------------------------------- UMUM 2023 - 2nd Workshop on Ubiquitous and Multi-domain User Modeling Recently, AI/ML has been applied to user modeling for real-world applications, but there are still limitations in generalizing user models for diverse contexts. Thus, this workshop aims to build ubiquitous and multi-domain user models and increase their applicability in real-world contexts. Here, we refer to "ubiquitous" as the capability to adapt to, and therefore exist in diverse contexts, and "multi-domain" as the capability of training jointly using data from multiple domains. Topics include (but not limited to) cross-domain recommendation, location/context/activity-aware services, and the other related applications and AI/ML technologies. Website: https://www.um-um.net/umum2023/ --------------------------------------------------------------- WRISTSENSE 2023 - 9th Workshop on sensing systems and applications using wrist worn smart devices The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to share innovative ideas, discuss challenges, and brainstorm potential solutions to open research problems related to the domain of wrist-worn smart devices. Using sensors, computation resources, and communication interfaces available on smartwatches and smart bands, it is possible to capture information about the device user, perform computation to infer the user’s activities and their context, and communicate these to a smartphone or the cloud. These wrist-worn smart devices represent a perfect platform to conduct research on human activity and behavior. They introduce opportunities for exploring new research problems, such as efficient classification and computation on the wearable device, offloading of computation from the user’s watch to the phone or the cloud, enhancement of user experience, smart notification management, physical activity sensing, behavior modeling, and data analysis. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/wristsense-2023/home
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