[Apologize for multiple posting]
Second edition of the workshop “sociAL roboTs for peRsonalized,
continUous and adaptIve aSsistTance” (ALTRUIST)
Workshop website: http://altruist.istc.cnr.it
Paper submission: November 25th, 2022
Notification: December 7th, 2022
Held in conjunction with ICSR 2022 - https://www.icsr2022.it
The second edition of the workshop “sociAL roboTs for peRsonalized,
continUous and adaptIve aSsistTance” (ALTRUIST) will be held during the
14th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2022), December
13th-16th, 2022.
Increased life expectancy is an achievement of modern societies thanks
to the technological progress in health, living places, and quality of
food. One of the consequences of an ageing society is the growing
incidence of chronic diseases. This trend imposes the need for
innovative approaches to assistance, including the ability of
self-management, which has become an increasingly important requirement
of healthcare in Europe and beyond.
Innovative interventions embed- ded with e-health applications are
extremely important to improve the Active and Healthy Ageing of the
population. Novel technological solutions should be capable of
effectively merging heterogeneous and potentially conflicting
requirements coming from different stakeholders bridging the gap between
the health needs of users and clinical and social requirements. Such a
challenging objective can be achieved only through a multidisciplinary
This workshop, therefore, aims at pushing the synergetic contribution of
different research areas e.g., Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Internet-of-Things (IoT), Robotics, and Social Science to develop
innovative and effective research and technologies for the ageing
society and assistance in general.
Submissions to this event are solicited here. Each contribution will be
reviewed by members of a strong international Program Committee.
Important Dates
Submission: November 25h, 2022
Notification: December 7th, 2022
Camera-ready: December 12th, 2022
Workshop dates: TBD
Conference: December 13th - December 16th, 2022
Topics of interest
Applicants are expected to be conducting (and integrating) research in
the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, the Internet of Things,
Health, and SocialSciences. Topics of interest, therefore, include (but
are not limited to):
Cognitive Robotics
Social-Aware Human-Robot Interaction
Cultural-Aware Human-Robot Interaction
Personalized and Adaptive Robotic Assistance
Activity Monitoring Systems (indoor and outdoor)
Object and Activity Recognition
Trustworthy Social Robots
Explainable AI with Social Robots
Co-Design of Assistive Solutions
Mixed-Initiative Interaction
Ethical Issues in Social Robotics for Ageing Society
AI Techniques Applied to Assistive Scenarios
Evaluation Methodologies and Experiences for Social Robots
Multi-modal Perception
We welcome two categories of paper submission:
Short papers - 6 pages formatted as LNCS one-column paper. These should
describe concrete problems, co-design processes of innovative robotic
solutions, proposals of novel technologies, methods, integration
challenges, or report work in progress in general. Authors of accepted
short papers will give a short talk or show a poster about their work,
depending on the schedule of the workshop.
Full papers: - 10 pages formatted as LNCS one-column paper. These should
report novel designed solutions/technologies ready-to-be evaluated in
the field or deployed solutions with even initial evaluations. Authors
of accepted full papers will give a talk about their work during the
Accepted papers will be published with CEUR-WS proceedings.
Submissions should be made in PDF through the EasyChair website
Papers should be formatted according to CEUR-WS style. From 2022
onwards, CEUR-WS requires that authors use the new CEUR-ART style for
writing papers.
An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is available at the following link:
It is also possible to download an offline version with the style files
Find out more information at http://ceur-ws.org/index.html
Special Issue
We plan to publish selected papers in high-quality journals. Further
information will be shared on the workshop website, social media, and
mailing lists.
Organization Chairs
Roberta Bevilacqua
Laura Fiorini
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Italy
Francesca Fracasso
Institute for Cognitive Science and Technologies (ISTC)
National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Alessandro Umbrico
Institute for Cognitive Science and Technologies (ISTC)
National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Rainer Wieching
University of Siegen, Germany
Dr. Alessandro Umbrico, PhD
National Research Council of Italy
Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
E-mail: alessandro.umbr...@istc.cnr.it
WebSite: http://www.istc.cnr.it/people/alessandro-umbrico
Linkedin: http://it.linkedin.com/in/alessandroumbrico/
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