Hi All,

ML4H registration
has officially opened! ML4H 2022 is a hybrid symposium taking place in New
Orleans, co-located with NeurIPS on November 28th, 2022. This year, ML4H
features a number of exciting new and continued components, including:

   - Submission tracks for both non-archival extended abstracts and formal,
   archival proceedings published by PMLR
   - Keynote speakers including Benjamin Recht, Mihaela van der Schaar,
   Emmanuel Candes, and invited speakers including Berkman Sahiner, Nichola
   Pezotti, Himabindu Lakkaraju, and Zachary Lipton (ML4H: Speakers
   - In person and virtual research round-table discussions by top
   researchers across diverse topics!
   - Best paper, best poster, travel awards, and a post-event social!
   - Career Mentorship Programs! (ML4H: Career Mentorship

See our website (https://ml4health.github.io/2022/) for more details and to
access the registration form. Please direct any questions to
ml4h.2...@gmail.com, and follow us on Twitter at @symposiumml4h
<https://twitter.com/symposiumml4h>. We hope to see you there!

ML4H Organizers

Postdoctoral Fellow,
Center for Research on Computation and Society (SEAS)
Harvard University
uai mailing list

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