The Philosophy Department and the School of Computer Science at Carnegie
Mellon University seek applications for a full-time, tenure-track,
open-rank joint appointment beginning Fall 2023. The area of specialization
is research in Ethics & Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning. The
successful applicant will have deep knowledge of, and experience in, AI
Ethics (e.g. privacy, algorithmic fairness, transparency, etc.) or other
applications of normative theory to AI/Machine Learning, and a strong
background in either the discipline of AI/Machine Learning or Philosophy,
with substantial knowledge of the other discipline. Interdisciplinary
research and publications in both Philosophy and AI/Machine Learning are
preferred but not required. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and
experience. Instructions for applying can be found at

Peter Spirtes
Marianna Brown Dietrich Professor and Head of Philosophy
Carnegie Mellon University
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