TEI 2023 Arts Track - Call for Submissions
========================EXTENDED DEADLINE========================
October 21st, 2022
Technology distances us from each other, causing the social tissue to
fall apart. It’s time for the tangible revolutions - being together
without screens. Screens have created a distance from the environment
that has shaped us, destroying the work of evolution that through
hundreds of thousands of years has adapted both the mind and body to the
ever changing environment. Nowadays the contact of the digital and
physical world has been dominated by the interaction with intermediary
screens whose flat surfaces have limited the sensory experience. Screens
cause the observation and manipulation of symbols that remove the person
from reality.
Smartphones, VRs, ARs, XRs, more and more screens around us. The need
for a tangible revolution is more than ever before, since our
understanding of the world is based on motion, action, active and bodily
We warmly invite artists who would like to show that another world is
possible. The world with less screens and more closeness - in short, to
be together without screens. For that we need a revolution, the tangible
We seek submissions that articulate viewpoints and facilitate dialogue
around the TEI conference themes as well as topics including but not
limited to:
Hybrid assemblies that combine digital, physical, biological, and/or
social systems
Artistic explorations of shape-, weight-, color- and size changing
materials (biosensors and bioactuators, shape memory alloys, thermo
and photochromic dyes, etc.)
Wearable, on-body, and in-body computing
Novel interactions realized through traditional crafts or
unconventional materials, professional artistry, craft, or musicianship
Hybrid bodies, prosthetics, human augmentation, posthumanism
Artistic reflections on the social, political, ethical, and
aesthetic dimensions of hybrid systems
Interactive installations that critically reflect on hybrid materiality
Accepted works will be exhibited in the Arts Track exhibition at the
Copernicus Science Centre <https://www.kopernik.org.pl/en>.
Artwork submission deadline: 30 September, 2022October 21st, 2022
Notification of acceptance: 16 October, 2022December 1st, 2022
Camera-ready deadline: January 6, 2023
TEI 2023 conference: February 26 - March 1, 2023
Submission Guidelines
The Arts Track welcomes submissions of artworks from a wide range of
practitioners and researchers in areas such as arts, music, design, new
media, biology, material science, and technology. We welcome submissions
from artists at all career stages, including students and independent
The submission should include:
The artwork paper discussing the artwork theme and description (see
Format below)
Documentation such as images, sketches, drafts, books, videos, etc.
Please add content or the link to the content in the artwork paper
pdf. The links should be unrestricted to ensure easy access for the
reviewing process.
A pdf document with a technical requirement description
Optional: An ethical statement. Any discussion point in the ethical
statements of NIME publications is a good start:
https://www.nime.org/ethics/ <https://www.nime.org/ethics/>
Optional: An artist biography for the participating artist(s) (300
words or fewer per bio).
Format: TEI 2023 uses the new ACM workflow
submission templates and published papers. This requires the use of a
simplified one-column template for submission, while the final
two-column paper has to be rendered for publication
<https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions>after acceptance.
Submissions should be in the form of a short (2 - 4 pages plus
references) paper in PDF format that will appear in the TEI Proceedings
and will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library. For further details
please follow the provided instructions or contact our Publication Chair.
File Size: Please note that the maximum size of your submission should
not exceed 40 Mb.. It will be possible to submit large videos via a link
to online content (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo).
Arts track reviews are single-blind, the submissions should therefore
include the author(s) name and affiliation.
Submissions are accepted through the submission portal at the link below:
Selection Process
Submissions will be selected based on their artistic merits and their
engagement with issues relevant to the field of tangible, embedded, and
embodied interactive art. In addition, the logistical constraints of the
venue may determine the eligibility of submitted projects.
Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review
process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity.
Submissions will be reviewed on the following aspects:
Relevance - The work must have a tangible aspect, in the form of an
installation, performance, object, or physical event.
Artistic - It must operate significantly and compellingly through
its formal, conceptual, and experiential properties.
Embodiment - The work must engage the human body beyond the
traditional screen-pointer interface.
Computational aspect - It must involve computational technology
(digital, biological, or analog) in some aspect of its form or function.
Positioning - The work must be positioned within related areas of
theory and/or practice.
Feasibility- The submission should include all details to realise
the work, including tech details, budget, and feasibility explanation.
Artists (or their delegates) will need to be available for installation
and bump-out, and for facilitating interaction with their artwork at
scheduled times. The authors are expected to finance their travel and
material budgets.
One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference
before the early registration deadline in order for the final paper
version to appear in the conference proceedings.
For any questions please contact: arts_cha...@tei.acm.org
Arts chairs
Wiesław Bartkowski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Kıvanç Tatar, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Beat Rossmy, Ludwig Maximilian University Germany
General Chairs
Andrzej Nowak, University of Warsaw, Poland
Eva Hornecker, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
Paweł W. Woźniak, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Organisation Chairs
Florian Müller, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany
Wiesław Bartkowski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Ilona Tańska, Copernican Revolution Lab, Copernicus Science Centre
Warsaw, Poland
https://tei.acm.org/2023/ <https://tei.acm.org/2023/>
Kıvanç Tatar, Ph.D., M.Mus., B.Sc.
Musician|Artist|Researcher in Artificial Intelligence for Music and
Interactive Arts
Assistant Professor in Interactive AI
Department of Computer Science and Engineering | Interaction Design Unit
Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden>
WASP-HS Fellow
The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program - Humanities
and Society>
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