As one of the few selected Universities of Excellence in Germany, University of Bonn already has a strong focus on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence, with research in machine learning, semantic modeling, robotics, and computer vision all the way to neuroscience and ethical foundations. As part of our strategic push into AI, we are now inviting applications for up to four additional, excellently equipped,

*Full Professorships (W3) / Tenure-Track Professorships (W1 to W3)  in  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning*

to be part of the

*Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence*

which is currently being created based on our existing Competence Center Machine Learning Rhein-Ruhr ML2R. The Lamarr Institute will bring together all AI activities of University of Bonn and its partners with significant growth based on permanent institutional funding. Applicants are expected to have demonstrated internationally outstanding research in one or more relevant subfields of Artificial Intelligence with a strong focus on Machine Learning, if possible related to one or more of the five major research areas of the Lamarr Institute: - Resource-Aware ML: Optimize algorithms for available resources and new architectures
- Trustworthy AI: Make AI ethical, reliable, understandable, and certifiable
- Hybrid ML: Combine data and knowledge in ML algorithms
- Human-Centered Systems: Exploit human interaction contexts when learning from data - Embodied AI: Build ML algorithms that work in physical and autonomous systems

Professorships will be appointed as tenured full professor (W3). Dual-career appointments are possible for suitable candidates.

W1 Positions will be appointed as Junior Professorships for an initial phase of three years and will be extended for three more years after a positive intermediate evaluation. After successful tenure evaluation, the position will turn into a  permanently tenured full professorship (W3).

The successful applicants represent the area in research and teach in the English (Master level) and German languages (Bachelor level) within the programs of study in the different programs at the Institute of Computer Science of University of Bonn (German language skills not required up front). The start of a degree program in AI is foreseen for the near future. Besides integration into the Lamarr Institute, involvement with other major activities such as the excellence cluster PhenoRob and the transdisciplinary research areas of University of Bonn is possible. Close cooperation within our partner institutions is expected, as is the capability of positioning the Lamarr Institute towards society and industry. The acquisition of third-party research funds and participation in and contribution to joint grant activities in computer science are requested. Formal requirements are defined by § 36 of the Higher Education Act of North RhineWestphalia (Hochschulgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen). The University of Bonn actively supports diversity and equal opportunities. The University of Bonn has been certified as a family-friendly university and offers a dual career service. Its aim is to increase the proportion of women in those fields in which women are underrepresented and to place a special focus on promoting their careers. Therefore, the university specifically requests applications from suitably qualified women. Applications will be handled in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia. Applications from suitably qualified people with severe disabilities that have already been verified or from people with an equivalent status will be particularly welcomed. Applications including the usual documents (Letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, selected publications, research plan, teaching concept, copies of degree certificates) are expected in electronic form (one PDF file) until 12.12. 2022 addressed to the Further information about the position is also available from Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel (Bonn Director of the Lamarr Institute,

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W3 Professorships:

W1 with tenure track W3 Professorships:

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