Dear Moderator: Please post this to the distinguished members of the listservs.
We all would be most grateful. Thank you - Rob
                          CALL  FOR  PAPERS
            Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2022
                 PUBLISHER: IEEE CPS & IEEE Xplore



                 December 14-16, 2022; Las Vegas, USA

          IEEE Xplore entry of prior years published papers:
          Also available via Scopus, Ei Compendex, and others.

All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of The 2022
International Conference on Computational Science and Computational
Intelligence (CSCI: ), to be
published by IEEE CPS. The CSCI conference is composed of a number
of joint premier Research Tracks; for the topical scope of each
Research Track, refer to: 



   You are invited to submit a paper for consideration. In case of
   hesitation by some authors/speakers to travel during Year 2022 (due
   to COVID-19), the CSCI Steering Committee has developed a policy in
   regards to presentation modes - please refer 
   Last year, over 65% of the registrants physically (face-to-face)
   attended the event.

   In summary: This year's conference will be a hybrid event that combines
   a "live" in-person face-to-face event with a "virtual" online component.
   The policy allows remote presentaions, interactive and also
   non-interactive/pre-recorded) as well as on-site presentations.


   The 2022 CSCI International Conference invites paper submissions from
   diverse communities, including researchers from: universities,
   corporations, government agencies, and standardization bodies. Papers
   are sought that address solutions to problems in all areas of
   CSCI-RTAI (Artificial Intelligence) and/or CSCI-RTBD (Big Data and Data
   Science). The list of topics below is by no means meant to be exhaustive.

   --> SCOPE OF CSCI-RTAI (Artificial Intelligence):

   Artificial Intelligence:
   Brain models, Cognitive science; Natural language processing; Fuzzy
   logic and soft computing; Software tools for AI; Expert systems;
   DSS, Automated problem solving; Knowledge discovery; Knowledge
   representation; Knowledge acquisition; Knowledge-intensive problem
   solving techniques; Knowledge networks and management; Intelligent
   information systems; Intelligent data mining; Intelligent web-based
   business; Intelligent agents; Intelligent networks; Intelligent
   databases; Intelligent user interface; AI and evolutionary algorithms;
   Intelligent tutoring systems; Reasoning strategies; Distributed AI
   algorithms and techniques; Distributed AI architectures; Neural
   networks and applications; Heuristic searching methods; Languages
   and programming techniques for AI; Constraint-based reasoning and
   constraint programming; Intelligent information fusion; Learning
   and adaptive sensor fusion; Search and meta-heuristics; Multi-sensor
   data fusion using neural and fuzzy techniques; Integration of AI
   with other technologies; Evaluation of AI tools; Social intelligence
   (markets and computational societies); Social impact of AI; Emerging
   technologies; and Applications (including: computer vision, signal
   processing, military, surveillance, robotics, medicine, pattern
   recognition, face recognition, finger print recognition, finance
   and marketing, stock market, education, emerging applications, ...).

   Machine Learning:
   Statistical learning theory; Unsupervised and Supervised Learning;
   Multivariate analysis; Hierarchical learning models; Relational
   learning models; Bayesian methods; Meta learning; Stochastic
   optimization; Simulated annealing; Neural networks; Reinforcement
   learning; Multi-criteria reinforcement learning; General Learning
   models; Multiple hypothesis testing; Decision making; Markov chain
   Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods; Non-parametric methods; Graphical
   models; Gaussian graphical models; Bayesian networks; Cross-Entropy
   method; Optimization strategies; Time series prediction; Fuzzy
   logic and learning; Inductive learning and applications;
   Grammatical inference; Graph kernel and graph distance methods;
   Graph-based semi-supervised learning; Graph clustering; Graph
   learning based on graph transformations; Graph learning based on
   graph grammars; Graph learning based on graph matching;
   Information-theoretical approaches to graphs; Motif search;
   Network inference; Aspects of knowledge structures; Computational
   Intelligence; Knowledge acquisition and discovery techniques;
   Induction of document grammars; General Structure-based approaches
   in information retrieval, web authoring, information extraction,
   and web content mining; Latent semantic analysis; Aspects of
   natural language processing; Intelligent linguistic; Aspects of
   text technology; Biostatistics; High-throughput data analysis;
   Computational Neuroscience; and Computational Statistics.

   --> SCOPE OF CSCI-RTBD (Big Data and Data Science):

   Algorithms for Big Data:
   Data and Information Fusion; Algorithms (including Scalable methods);
   Natural Language Processing; Signal Processing; Simulation and
   Modeling; Data-Intensive Computing; Parallel Algorithms; Testing
   Methods; Multidimensional Big Data; Multi-linear Subspace Learning;
   Sampling Methodologies; and Streaming.

   Big Data Fundamentals:
   Novel Computational Methodologies; Algorithms for Enhancing Data
   Quality; Models and Frameworks for Big Data; Graph Algorithms and
   Big Data; Computational Science; and Computational Intelligence.

   Data Science:
   Conversion of Data to Information and Knowledge; Data Mining;
   Information Mining; Predictive Analytics; Knowledge Discovery;
   Databases and Information Integration; Signal Processing; NLP;
   Information Retrieval Methods; and Visualization.

   Infrastructures for Big Data & Data Science:
   Cloud Based Infrastructures (applications, storage & computing
   resources); Stream Computing for Big Data; HPC, including Parallel
   & Distributed Processing; Autonomic Computing; Cyber-infrastructures
   and System Architectures; Programming Models and Environments to
   Support Big Data; Software and Tools for Big Data; Big Data Open
   Platforms; Emerging Architectural Frameworks for Big Data;
   Paradigms and Models for Big Data beyond Hadoop/MapReduce, ...

   Big Data & Data Science Management and Frameworks:
   Database and Web Applications; Federated Database Systems;
   Distributed Database Systems; Distributed File Systems; Distributed
   Storage Systems; Knowledge Management and Engineering; Massively
   Parallel Processing (MPP) Databases; Novel Data Models; Data
   Preservation and Provenance; Data Protection Methods; Data
   Integrity and Privacy Standards and Policies; Novel Data Management
   Methods; Crowdsourcing; Stream Data Management; and Scientific Data

   Big Data Search:
   Multimedia and Big Data; Social Networks; Web Search and Information
   Extraction; Scalable Search Architectures; Cleaning Big Data (noise
   reduction), Acquisition & Integration; Visualization Methods for
   Search; Time Series Analysis; Recommendation Systems; and Graph
   Based Search and Similar Technologies.

   Security & Privacy in the Era of Data Science & Big Data:
   Cryptography; Threat Detection Using Big Data Analytics; Privacy
   Threats of Big Data; Privacy Preserving Big Data Collection;
   Intrusion Detection; Socio-economical Aspect of Big Data in the
   Context of Privacy and Security.

   Applications of Big Data:
   Big Data as a Service; Big Data Analytics in e-Government and
   Society; Applications in Science, Engineering, Healthcare, Business,
   Education, Security, Humanities, Bioinformatics, Health Informatics,
   Medicine, Finance, Law, Transportation, Retailing, Telecommunication,
   all Search-based applications, ...



   All past conference proceedings can be accessed via IEEE Xplore, IEEE
   Digital Library at: 

   Since its inception, all CSCI proceedings have always been approved and
   included into IEEE Xplore indexation/digital-library citation databases.
   The proceedings of CSCI have also been included in other major citation
   index systems (including, Ei Compendex, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and others).
   We anticipate the same level of indexation in all future offering of CSCI.


   In case of hesitation by some authors/speakers to travel during Year
   2022 (due to COVID-19), the CSCI Steering Committee has developed a
   policy in regards to presentation modes - please refer 
   Last year, over 65% of the registrants physically (face-to-face)
   attended the event.


   All accepted papers will be published by IEEE CPS:  
   in the proceedings of The 2022 International Conference on Computational
   Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'22).

   All past conference proceedings can be accessed via IEEE Xplore Digital
   Library at: 

   Papers should be typeset by using the general typesetting instructions
   available at (select "US letter" option for accessing templates): 
   (i.e., single line spacing, 2-column format). All submissions must be
   original (papers must not have been previously published or currently
   being considered by others for publication).

   Submissions must be in either MS doc or pdf formats (6 pages for Regular
   Research Papers; 4 pages for Short Papers; 2 pages for Poster Papers - the
   number of pages includes all figures, tables, and references - if the
   authors need extra pages, then the editors would permit one extra page
   above and beyond the maximum number of pages stated here at no extra
   charge). The first page should include:

   - Title of the paper;
   - Name, affiliation, city, country, and email address of each author
     (identify the name of the Contact Author);
   - Abstract (about 100 words);
   - A maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the work
     described in the paper;
   - Write the type of the submission as "Full/Regular Research Paper",
     "Short Paper", or "Poster Paper";
   - Write the acronym of the most relevant Research Track that this paper
     is being submitted to; the acronyms are:

        CSCI-RTAI:   Artificial Intelligence
        CSCI-RTBD:   Big Data and Data Science

        For the topical scope of each of the above tracks, refer to: 

   The actual paper can start from the first page (space permitting).
   Submissions are to be uploaded to the submission/evaluation web site
   portal at: 


   Please note that the number of pages stated below includes all figures,
   tables, and references - if the authors need extra pages, then the editors
   would permit one extra page above and beyond the maximum number of pages
   stated here at no extra charge.

   - Full/Regular Research Papers (maximum of 6 pages):
     Regular Research Papers should provide detail original research
     contributions. They must report new research results that represent a
     contribution to the field; sufficient details and support for the
     results and conclusions should also be provided. The work presented
     in regular papers are expected to be at a stage of maturity that with
     some additional work can be published as journal papers.

   - Short Papers (maximum of 4 pages):
     Short papers report on ongoing research projects. They should provide
     overall research methodologies with some results. The work presented
     in short papers are expected to be at a stage of maturity that with
     some additional work can be published as regular papers.

   - Poster Papers (maximum of 2 pages):
     Poster papers report on ongoing research projects that are still in
     their infancy (i.e., at very early stages). Such papers tend to provide
     research methodologies without yet concrete results.



   September 30, 2022:   Submission of Papers

   October 12, 2022:     Notification of acceptance (+/- 2 days)

   October 31, 2022:     Final papers & Author Registrations

   November 14, 2022:    Location and room reservation deadline:
                         Luxor - an MGM property, Las Vegas, USA

   December 14-16, 2022: The 2022 International Conference on Computational
                         Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'22)
                         + All joint Research Tracks:


   Please refer to: 

DEMOGRAPHY HISTORY (based on 2014 through 2021 participation data):

   In the past, about 40% of the attendees have been from outside USA; from
   75 nations. 58% of registrants have been from academia, 29% from industry;
   12% from government agencies and research labs; and 1% unknown. The
   conference has had participants, speakers, authors affiliated with over
   362 different institutions and universities; including many from the top
   40 ranked institutions. A very small subset of the affiliations of
   participants in the recent past appears below:

   Major IT corporations, including, Microsoft, Accenture, Google/Alphabet,
   Apple, Facebook, Oracle, Amazon, Yahoo, Samsung Electronics, IBM, Ebay,
   Siemens, Philips, Ericsson, GE, BAE Systems, Hewlett Packard (HP), Hitachi,
   NTT, Intel Corp, BTS Software Solutions, NetApp, Algorkorea Co., Paris
   Saclay, ElderSafe Technologies Inc., METRON (France), Fraunhofer IKTS
   (Germany), Wipro Technologies, VNIIEF (Russia), BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
   (Germany), Synchrone Technologies (France), Infosys (India), Bosch Software
   Systems (Germany), Tata Consultancy Services, SAP, Capgemini (France),
   Cognizant (USA), State Grid (China), Foxconn (Taiwan), AT&T, ...,
   Venture Capitalists and Intellectual Property attorneys.

   Major corporations, including, Exxon Mobil, JPMorgan Chase, Raytheon,
   PetroChina, GlaxoSmithKline, BCL Technologies, CERENA Petroleum Group,
   Aerospace Electronic Technology (China), Max Planck - Genetics (Germany),
   Tigard Research Institute, ENGIE (France), Forschungszentrum Juelich
   (Germany), Secured Smart Electric Vehicle (Korea), Johnson & Johnson,
   GlaxoSmithKline, HSBC, Airbus, Boeing, Hyundai, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche
   Bank, Sinopec Group (China), United Health (USA), Volkswagen (Germany),
   Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), BP (United Kingdom), Royal Dutch Shell
   (Netherlands), Daimler (Germany), Cigna (USA), Trafigura (Singapore),
   Tesla (USA), Glencore (Switzerland), Ford (USA), AXA (France), Goldman
   Sachs (USA), Taiwan Semiconductor (Taiwan), Toyota (Japan), ...,
   Venture Capitalists and Intellectual Property attorneys.

   Government research agencies and national laboratories, including, National
   Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), US Air Force
   (multiple research labs), National Security Agency (NSA), Pacific Northwest
   National Lab (PNNL), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
   Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LLNL), Lawrence Livermore National Lab,
   Los Alamos National Lab (LANL), Argonne National Lab, Cold Spring Harbor
   Lab, US National Cancer Institute, Swedish Defence Research Agency, US
   National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Oak Ridge National
   Lab, U.S. Geological Survey, US National Library of Medicine, SPAWAR Systems
   Center Pacific, CERN (Switzerland), China NSF, Russian Academy of Sciences,
   Sandia National Lab, Savannah River National Lab, US Navy, Ames Lab, Hasso
   Plattner Institute, US Army, Korea Internet & Security Agency, DESY
   (Germany), LNGS (Italy), Suez Canal Research Center, Okinawa Bureau (Japan),
   Canadian Medical Protective Association, Osong Medical Innovation Foundation
   (Korea), Royal Observatory Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Gran Sasso National
   Lab (Italy), National Institute of Informatics (Japan), ...,
   Venture Capitalists and Intellectual Property attorneys.

   CSCI International Conference is among the top five largest annual gathering
   of researchers in Computational Science. We anticipate to have attendees
   from about 65 countries and territories. To get a feeling about the
   conferences' atmosphere, see some delegates photos available at
   (over 2,000 photos): 


   Questions and inquiries should be sent to:
   CSCI 2022 Conference Secretariat: 

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