Call for Workshop Papers AVVision 2022
in conjunction with 17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022) Tel-Aviv, Israel, October 23rd-27th, 2022 The 3rd Autonomous Vehicle Vision (AVVision) Workshop aims to bring together industry professionals and academics to brainstorm and exchange ideas on the advancement of computer vision techniques for autonomous driving. In this one-day workshop, we will have several keynote talks and regular paper presentations (oral and poster) to discuss the state-of-the-art as well as existing challenges in the field of autonomous driving. The workshop webpage is at Call for papers: With a number of breakthroughs in autonomous system technology over the past decade, the race to commercialize self-driving cars has become fiercer than ever. The integration of advanced sensing, computer vision, signal/image processing, and machine/deep learning into autonomous vehicles enables them to perceive the environment intelligently and navigate safely. Autonomous driving is required to ensure safe, reliable, and efficient automated mobility in complex uncontrolled real-world environments. Various applications range from automated transportation and farming to public safety and environment exploration. Visual perception is a critical component of autonomous driving. Enabling technologies include: a) affordable sensors that can acquire useful data under varying environmental conditions, b) reliable simultaneous localization and mapping, c) machine learning that can effectively handle varying real-world conditions and unforeseen events, as well as “machine-learning friendly” signal processing to enable more effective classification and decision making, d) hardware and software co-design for efficient real-time performance, e) resilient and robust platforms that can withstand adversarial attacks and failures, and f) end-to-end system integration of sensing, computer vision, signal/image processing and machine/deep learning. The 3rd AVVision workshop will cover all these topics. Research papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics: * 3D road/environment reconstruction and understanding; * Mapping and localization for autonomous cars; * Semantic/instance driving scene segmentation and semantic mapping; * Self-supervised/unsupervised visual environment perception; * Car/pedestrian/object/obstacle detection/tracking and 3D localization; * Car/license plate/road sign detection and recognition; * Driver status monitoring and human-car interfaces; * Deep/machine learning and image analysis for car perception; * Adversarial domain adaptation for autonomous driving; * On-board embedded visual perception systems; * Bio-inspired vision sensing for car perception; * Real-time deep learning inference. Important Dates: * Paper submission deadline: July 31th, 2022 * Review feedback release date: August 16th, 2022 * Camera-ready submission: August 22nd, 2022 * Workshop date: Oct. 23-24th, 2022 (exact date TBD) Submission Guidelines: Full papers: Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original (i.e., not previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue including journal, conference, or workshop) research. The paper template is identical to the one used at ECCV 2022<> main conference (see the “Submission Guidelines” section). Papers are limited to 14 pages, including figures and tables, in the ECCV style. Additional pages containing only cited references are allowed. Extended abstracts: We encourage participants to submit preliminary ideas that have not been published before as extended abstracts. These submissions would benefit from additional exposure and discussion that can shape a better future publication. We also invite papers that have been published at other venues to spark discussions and foster new collaborations. Submissions may consist of up to 7 pages plus one additional page solely for references (using the template detailed above). The extended abstracts do NOT need to be anonymized and will NOT be published in the workshop proceedings. Papers that are not properly anonymized, or do not use the template, or have more than the allowed number of pages will be rejected without review. The submission site<> is now open. Organizers: * Rui Ranger Fan, Tongji University * Nemanja Djuric, Aurora Innovation * Wenshuo Wang, McGill University * Peter Ondruska, Lyft * Jie Li, Toyota Research Institute
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