*** Call for Papers ***
AIxIA 2022
The 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for
Artificial Intelligence
November 28 - December 2, 2022, University of Udine, Udine,
https://aixia2022.uniud.it/ <https://aixia2022.uniud.it/>
=== Topics of Interest ===
The AIxIA 2022 edition is the 21st year of an event born inside the
Italian AI association, but rapidly grown up to an international
dimension, attracting scholars from all over the world. This edition of
AIxIA will be held in Udine in a mixed in-presence and online mode, thus
making it easier to attend and present papers from any part of the globe.
Based on a plural point of view, the main conference covers the wide
spectrum of topics that characterize modern Artificial Intelligence,
while a number of specific topics are also covered by dedicated thematic
workshops. Workshops will be announced later on and we foresee a
significant participation by the research communities, in the vein of
the success of the previous AIxIA editions.
The main track of the AIxIA 2022 conference welcomes submissions
covering all areas of AI, including (but not limited to)
- machine learning,
- search and planning,
- knowledge representation and reasoning,
- constraint satisfaction and optimization,
- natural language processing,
- argumentation,
- robotics and perception,
- autonomous agents and multiagent systems,
- ethical and cultural issues in AI.
We encourage all types of high-quality contributions including
theoretical, engineering, and applied papers. We also encourage
contributions to AI techniques in the context of established and novel
application domains, such as (cyber)security, sustainability, ageing,
health care, cultural heritage, manufacturing, transportation, and
Finally, papers describing AI approaches and applications targeting
societal challenges, including, for example, solutions for the
mitigation and management of public health crises, as well as hot topics
within the community, such as the assessment and mitigation of different
kinds of biases, and in general ethical issues in AI, are particularly
Besides regular papers presenting results not already published we also
welcome short "discussion papers" (maximum eight pages) containing
- descriptions of results recently published or accepted for the
presentation in première international conferences and journals related
to AI field; - position papers discussing potentially controversial
topics in AI or personal points of views about specific topics in AI.
Discussion papers are introduced as an opportunity for the authors to
present their recent results to the AI community and to stimulate debate
among attendees of AIxIA 2022 and potential collaborations thereof.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and
attend the conference to present the work.
=== Proceedings of Regular Papers ===
Accepted regular papers will be included in the proceedings of the
conference and will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.
Authors of selected regular papers accepted to the main track will be
invited to submit an extended version for publication on "Intelligenza
Artificiale", the International Journal of the Italian Association for
Artificial Intelligence, edited by IOS Press and indexed by Thomson
Reuters' "Emerging Sources Citation Index" and Scopus by Elsevier.
=== Proceedings of Discussion Papers ===
Discussion papers will not be included in the LNAI proceedings of the
conference, and will be published on CEUR WS Proceedings upon request.
Discussion papers will be presented and discussed at the conference
together with regular submissions.
=== Best Papers Awards ===
The Program Committee will select the Best Student Paper and the Best
Paper from the accepted regular papers. In order to be eligible for the
Best Student Paper Award, at least one author must be a student.
=== Submission Instructions ===
Submitted papers should be written in English and formatted according to
the Springer LNCS style
Regular papers must be original papers, which are not being submitted
simultaneously for publication elsewhere. These papers should not exceed
12 pages, with any number of additional pages containing bibliographic
references only.
Discussion papers report results already published or accepted for
publication in international conferences, and should not exceed 8 pages
with any number of additional pages containing bibliographic references
Paper submission is electronic through Easychair:
=== Important Dates ===
*Regular Papers*
Abstract Submission: July 22, 2022
Paper Submission: July 29, 2022
Notification: September 30, 2022
*Discussion Papers*
Paper Submission: September 4, 2022
Notification: September 30, 2022
=== Organization ===
General Chair
Angelo Montanari, University of Udine, Italy
Program Chairs
Agostino Dovier, University of Udine, Italy
AndreA Orlandini, National Research Council (CNR-ISTC), Italy
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