

10th ACM IKDD CODS and 28th COMAD

6th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data

January 4-7, 2023

IIT Bombay



We are pleased to announce The 6th Joint International Conference on Data
Sciences and Management of Data to be held in Mumbai, India, on January
4-7, 2023 as a hybrid event.  The conference will be flexible with respect
to in-person vs. online presentation of papers, though we encourage
physical presence to facilitate deeper interactions.

CODS-COMAD is a premier international conference focusing on scientific
work in Databases, Data Sciences and their applications. Being held for the
6th time as a common conference bringing together the COMAD and the CODS
communities, the conference invites researchers in the field of databases,
data sciences and their applications to submit their original work.


The research track invites full as well as short papers describing
innovative and original research contributions in the areas of data
management, data science, machine learning and AI. Papers can range from
theoretical contributions to systems and algorithms to experimental
research and benchmarking.  The goal of the short papers is to provide a
venue for innovative ideas such as engineered solutions, exciting
work-in-progress or even negative results that would be interesting to the
broader community. Authors of accepted papers will get an opportunity to
showcase their work as an oral presentation.  For more details visit:


The Applied Data Sciences (ADS) track invites both full as well as short
papers describing the design, implementation and results of solutions and
systems for application of data science techniques to real-world problems.
Technical approaches can include data science, data mining, applied machine
learning, testing and governance of data science models and solutions, and
practical MLOps approaches.  Accepted papers will be given the opportunity
to present their work as an oral presentation.  For more details, visit:



Tutorials at CODS-COMAD offer a platform to showcase state-of-the-art tools
and technologies to support research, development and applications of data
systems, data science, data management and platforms, data-driven
applications, ethics of data science etc. We solicit tutorial proposals on
all topics of interest to the CODS-COMAD conference.  For more details,
visit: https://cods-comad.in/call-for-tutorial-proposals.php


The demonstration (demo) track invites submissions from academia and
industry where a live or pre-recorded demonstration of the software system,
prototype, conceptual design or library adds significant value to the work.
Submissions should not exceed 4 pages and (unlimited) references. Topics of
interest include data systems, data science, data management and platforms,
data-driven applications etc. The scope for demos is broad and includes all
topics of interest to the CODS-COMAD conference.  The demo should be the
result of innovative work including solving novel technical or research
problems and/or creating novel UI/UX. Authors of accepted demo track papers
will have the option to do either a recorded demo or a live demo at the
conference site.  For more details, visit:


The Young Researchers’ Symposium at CODS-COMAD 2023 invites submissions
from students and postdoctoral fellows. This is a unique opportunity for
young researchers to have fruitful peer-to-peer discussions and to get
feedback from leading senior researchers about their current research work.
Submissions to the Young Researchers' Symposium (YRS) are in the form of a
2-page extended abstract, and are invited on the topics such as data
systems, data science, data management and platforms, data-driven
applications etc. We welcome many kinds of papers, such as, but not limited
to: novel research papers, work-in-progress papers, appraisal papers of
existing methods and tools (e.g., lessons learned).  The first author of
any submission should be an undergraduate/postgraduate/Ph.D. student or a
Postdoctoral researcher affiliated with any academic institution. Authors
of accepted papers will get a chance to present their work both as a poster
and a quick lightning talk at the conference. For more details, visit:



Check the link below to help you decide which track to submit your paper
to.  It is the authors’ responsibility to submit their paper into the
appropriate track.  Papers that do not satisfy the requirements (e.g., a
research track paper) might be rejected without a formal review.




   July 10, 2022: Abstract submission deadline in Research and Applied Data
   Science tracks (Revised Date)

   July 17, 2022: Paper submission deadline in Research and Applied Data
   Science tracks (Revised Date)

   September 11, 2022: First Stage Accept/Major Revision/ Reject decisions
   in Research and Data Science tracks

   September 15, 2022: Paper submission deadline in Demo and Young
   Researchers' Symposium tracks.  Tutorial proposal deadline

   October 9, 2022: Re-submission of revised manuscripts in Research and
   Applied Data Science tracks

   October 30, 2022: Final Notifications of Accept / Reject decisions
   across all tracks

   November 15, 2022: Camera ready submission deadline across all tracks




Detailed submission instructions, submission format, page limits, conflict
of interest, dual submission, plagiarism and other policies are available
at the link below.  Do check them out before submitting your paper.


The best paper in each track will receive an award citation


Conference will provide travel assistance to a reasonable number of
students whose papers are accepted.  The travel grant includes free
accommodation and monetary travel support partially covering the travel
cost. Details of the grant will be made available at the conference website
in due course.


General Chairs


   Pushpak Bhattacharyya (IIT Bombay)

   Amr El Abbadi (University of California, Santa Barbara)

PC Chairs (Research Track)


   Praneeth Nethrapalli (Google Research)

   Louiqa Raschid (University of Maryland)

PC Chairs (Applied Data Science Track)


   Tanuja Ganu (Microsoft)

   Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (IIIT Hyderabad)

Tutorial Chairs


   Animesh Mukherjee (IIT Kharagpur)

   Kalapriya Kannan (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)

Demo Chairs


   Mayank Vatsa (IIT Jodhpur)

   Anoop Kunchukuttan (Microsoft)

Young Researchers' Symposium (YRS) Chairs


   Preethi Jyothi (IIT Bombay)

   Bivas Mitra (IIT Kharagpur)

Diversity & Inclusion Chairs


   Chitra Babu (SSN Institutions)

   Balaraman Ravindran (IIT Madras)

Proceedings Chair


   Abhinandan SP (NIE Mysore)

   Charu Sharma (IIIT Hyderabad)

Publicity Chairs


   Rajiv Ratn Shah (IIIT Delhi)

   Arunesh Sinha (Singapore Management University)

Sponsorship Chairs


   Shourya Roy (Flipkart)

   Yogesh Simmhan (IISc Bangalore)

Local Organizing Chairs


   Biplab Banerjee (IIT Bombay)

   Manoj Nambiar (TCS Research)

Finance Chair


   Chandrashekhar Sahasrabudhe (ACM India)

   Raj Sharma (Goldman Sachs)

Arunesh Sinha
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