[Apologies for multiple postings]
[Deadline extended to June 6th, 2022 23:59 AOE]


First Workshop Causal Representation Learning at UAI 2022:
5 August 2022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, hybrid
*Submission deadline: June 6, 2022, 23:59 AoE*


Machine learning (ML) has established itself as the dominant and most
successful paradigm for artificial intelligence (AI). A key strength of ML
over earlier (symbolic, logic and rule-based) approaches to AI, is its
ability to infer useful features or representations of often very
high-dimensional observations in an automated, data-driven way. However, in
doing so, it generally only leverages statistical information (e.g.,
correlations present in a training set) and consequently struggles at tasks
such as knowledge transfer, systematic generalization, or planning, which
are thought to require higher-order cognition.

Causal inference (CI), on the other hand, is concerned with going beyond
the statistical level of description (“seeing”) and instead aims to reason
about the effect of interventions or external manipulations to a system
(“doing”) as well as about hypothetical counterfactual scenarios
(“imagining”). Similar to classic approaches to AI, CI typically assumes
that the causal variables of interest (i.e., an appropriate level of
description of a given system) are given from the outset. However,
real-world data often comprises high-dimensional, low-level observations
and is thus usually not structured into such meaningful causal units.

The emerging field of causal representation learning (CRL) aims to combine
the strengths of ML and CI. Much like ML went beyond symbolic AI in not
requiring that the symbols that algorithms manipulate be given a priori, in
CRL low-dimensional, high-level variables along with their causal relations
should be learned from raw, unstructured data, leading to representations
that support notions such as intervention, reasoning, and planning. In this
sense, CRL aligns with the general goal of modern ML to learn meaningful
representations of data, where meaningful can also include robust,
explainable, or fair.

One aim of this first workshop on CRL is to bring together researchers
focusing mainly on either CI or representation learning, from both
theoretical and applied perspectives. Moreover, the workshop aims at
engaging the various communities interested in learning robust and
transferable representations from different perspectives, in order to
foster an exchange of ideas. Given that this is still a young, emerging
line of research, another goal is to establish a common vocabulary and to
identify useful frameworks for addressing CRL.

We welcome submissions related to any aspects of CRL, including but not
limited to:
- Learning latent (structural) causal models & structured (deep) generative
- Interventional representations, causal digital twins & structured
(causal) world models
- Post-hoc extraction of causal relations from (deep) generative models
- Self-supervised causal representation learning
- Multi-environment & multi-view causal representation learning
- Micro vs. macro/coarse-grained/multi-level causal systems
- Identifiable representation learning & nonlinear ICA
- Uncertainty quantification in (causal) representation learning
- Group-theoretic & symmetry-based views on disentanglement
- Invariance & equivariance in representation learning
- Interdisciplinary perspectives on causal representation learning,
including from cognitive science, psychology, (computational) neuroscience
or philosophy
- Real-world applications of causal representation learning, including in
biology, medical sciences, or robotics


Paper submission deadline: June 1, 2022, 23:59 AoE  *June 6, 2022, 23:59
Notification to authors: July 1, 2022, 23:59 AoE
Camera-ready version: TBA
Workshop Date: August 5, 2022


Submissions should be formatted using the UAI latex template and formatting
Papers must be submitted as a PDF file and should be 4-6 pages in length,
including all main results, figures, and tables. Appendices containing
additional details are allowed, but reviewers are not expected to take this
into account. The workshop will not have proceedings, so you can submit
recent work or work in progress.

Submission site:


Julius von Kügelgen, MPI & University of Cambridge
Luigi Gresele, MPI
Francesco Locatello, Amazon
Sara Magliacane, University of Amsterdam & MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
Nan Rosemary Ke, Deepmind & MILA
Yixin Wang, University of Michigan
Yoshua Bengio, MILA
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