Call for Participation ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE) Vocalisations, Stuttering, Activity, & Mosquitos
The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics ChallengE (ComParE) is an open Grand Challenge dealing with states and traits of speakers as manifested in their speech signal’s properties and beyond. There have so far been twelve consecutive Challenges held annually at INTERSPEECH 2009 – 2021 (cf. the repository<>), but there still exists a multiplicity of not yet covered, but highly relevant paralinguistic phenomena. Thus, we introduce four new tasks by the Vocalisations Sub-Challenge, the Stuttering Sub-Challenge, the Activity Sub-Challenge, and the Mosquitos Sub-Challenge (see also for the data descriptions<>). For the tasks, the data are provided by the organisers. The Sub-Challenges are generally open for participation. This year also features human movement data and animal sounds. The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge (ComParE) shall help bridging the gap between excellent research on paralinguistic information in audio and other modalities and low compatibility of results. The results of the Challenge will be presented at ACM Multimedia 2022<> in Lisbon. Prizes will be awarded to the Sub-Challenge winners. If you are interested and planning to participate in the Computational Paralinguistics Challenge, or if you want to be kept informed about the Challenge, please send the organisers an e-mail<> to indicate your interest. Organisers: General Chairs: Björn Schuller<> (University of Augsburg, Germany / Imperial College London, UK / audEERING) Anton Batliner<> (University of Augsburg, Germany) Shahin Amiriparian<x-msg://70/> (University of Augsburg, Germany) Christian Bergler<> (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Erlangen, Germany) Data Chairs: Natalie Holz (MPI Frankfurt, Germany) Sebastian Bayerl (TH Nürnberg, Germany) Korbinian Riedhammer (TH Nürnberg, Germany) Adria Mallol-Ragolta (University of Augsburg, Germany) Maria Pateraki (FORTH, Greece) Harry Coppock (Imperial College London, UK) Ivan Kiskin (University of Oxford, UK) Stephen Roberts (University of Oxford, UK) Officially started: 9 May 2022 Important Dates: 18 June 2022 Paper submission at<> 1 July 2022 Final result upload 7 July 2022 Notification of acceptance 20 July 2022 Camera-ready paper To get started: Please register your team by email to Christian Bergler:<> . Then, please obtain the according End-User License Agreements (EULAs) to get a password and further instructions for the download of the datasets: Please fill out electronically the PDF for the dataset(s) you wish to obtain, and print, sign, scan, and email - to the email addresses given on the agreements - both the electronic version and the scans accordingly to ease handling. The agreement(s) has/have to be signed by a permanent staff member. To obtain the EULAs, please contact per Sub-Challenge: Vocalisations Sub-Challenge: Natalie Holz:<> Stuttering Sub-Challenge: Sebastian Bayerl:<> Activity Sub-Challenge: Adria Mallol-Ragolta:<> Mosquitos Sub-Challenge: Ivan Kiskin:<> After downloading the data you can directly start your experiments with the data sets. Once you found your best method you should write your paper for the Grand Challenge. At the same time, you can compute your results per instance and Sub-Challenge task on the test set and upload them: we will then let you know your performance result. If you have questions, ideally contact all of the General Chairs (see above). ___________________________________________ Univ.-Prof. mult. Dr. habil. Björn W. Schuller, FAAAC, FBCS, FIEEE, FISCA Professor and Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing University of Augsburg / Germany Professor of Artificial Intelligence Head GLAM - Group on Language, Audio, & Music Imperial College London / UK CSO/MD audEERING GmbH Germany Field Chief Editor Frontiers in Digital Health<><>
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