Second Call for Papers

The 17th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational
Applications (BEA17)


Friday, July 15, 2022

(co-located with NAACL 2022)

 *Submission Deadline: Friday, April 1, 2022, 11:59pm UTC-12*


The BEA Workshop is a leading venue for NLP innovation in the context of
educational applications. It is one of the largest one-day workshops in the
ACL community with over 100 registered attendees in the past several years.
The growing interest in educational applications and a diverse community of
researchers involved resulted in the creation of the Special Interest Group
in Educational Applications (SIGEDU)
<> in
2017, which currently has 240 members.

The workshop’s continuing growth highlights the alignment between societal
needs and technological advances: for instance, BEA16 in 2021 hosted a
panel discussion on New Challenges for Educational Technology in the Time
of the Pandemic addressing the pressing issues around COVID19. NLP
capabilities can now support an array of learning domains, including
writing, speaking, reading, science, and mathematics, as well as the
related intra-personal (e.g., self-confidence) and inter-personal (e.g.,
peer collaboration) skills. Within these areas, the community continues to
develop and deploy innovative NLP approaches for use in educational
settings. Another breakthrough for educational applications within the CL
community is the presence of a number of shared-task competitions organized
by the BEA workshop over the past several years, including four shared
tasks on grammatical error detection and correction alone. NLP/Education
shared tasks have also seen new areas of research, such as the Automated
Evaluation of Scientific Writing at BEA11, Native Language Identification
at BEA12, Second Language Acquisition Modelling at BEA13, and Complex Word
Identification at BEA13. These competitions increased the visibility of,
and interest in, our field.

The 17th BEA workshop will have keynotes by Burr Settles (Duolingo) and
Alexandra Cristea (University of Durham), an invited paper presentation by
a member of one of the educational societies from the International
Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE), oral presentation
sessions, a large poster session to maximize the amount of original work
presented, and a panel discussion to encourage interaction between workshop
participants. We expect that the workshop will continue to highlight novel
technologies and opportunities for educational NLP in English as well as
other languages. The workshop will solicit both full papers and short
papers for either oral or poster presentation.

We will solicit papers that incorporate NLP methods, including, but not
limited to:


   automated scoring of open-ended textual and spoken responses;

   automated scoring/evaluation for written student responses (across
   multiple genres);

   game-based instruction and assessment;

   educational data mining;

   intelligent tutoring;

   collaborative learning environments;

   peer review;

   grammatical error detection and correction;

   learner cognition;

   spoken dialog;

   multimodal applications;

   annotation standards and schemas;

   tools and applications for classroom teachers, learners and/or test
   developers; and

   use of corpora in educational tools.


All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC-12 (anywhere on earth).


   Submission Deadline: Friday, April 1, 2022

   Notification of Acceptance: Friday, May 6, 2022

   Camera-ready Papers Due: Friday, May 20, 2022

   Workshop: Friday, July 15, 2022


We will be using the NAACL Submission Guidelines for the BEA Workshop this
year. Authors are invited to submit a long paper of up to eight (8) pages
of content, plus unlimited references; final versions of long papers will
be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages) so that reviewers’
comments can be taken into account. We also invite short papers of up to
four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited references. Upon acceptance,
short papers will be given five (5) content pages in the proceedings.
Authors are encouraged to use this additional page to address reviewers’
comments in their final versions. Papers which describe systems are also
invited to give a demo of their system. If you would like to present a demo
in addition to presenting the paper, please make sure to select either
“long paper + demo” or “short paper + demo” under “Submission Category” in
the START submission page.

Previously published papers cannot be accepted. The submissions will be
reviewed by the program committee. As reviewing will be blind, please
ensure that papers are anonymous. Self-references that reveal the author’s
identity, e.g., “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) …”, should be avoided.
Instead, use citations such as “Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) …”.

We have also included conflict of interest in the submission form. You
should mark all potential reviewers who have been authors on the paper, are
from the same research group or institution, or who have seen versions of
this paper or discussed it with you.

We will be using the START conference system to manage submissions:


We will follow the official ACL double-submission policy

Papers being submitted both to BEA and another conference or workshop must:

●       Note on the title page the other conference or workshop to which
they are being submitted.

●       State on the title page that if the authors choose to present their
paper at BEA (assuming it was accepted), then the paper will be withdrawn
from other conferences and workshops.



   Burr Settles, Duolingo


   Alexandra Cristea, University of Durham


   Ambassador paper: James Fiacco, Carnegie Mellon University (ISLS 2021



   Ekaterina Kochmar <>, University of Bath

   Jill Burstein <>, Duolingo

   Andrea Horbach <>, University

   Ronja Laarmann-Quante
   <>, University of

   Nitin Madnani <>, Educational Testing Service

   Anaïs Tack <>, Stanford University

   Victoria Yaneva <>, National Board of
   Medical Examiners

   Zheng Yuan <>, University of Cambridge

   Torsten Zesch <>, University
   of Duisburg-Essen

Workshop contact email address:
uai mailing list

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