Call for Papers

47th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
Edmonton, Canada   September 26-29, 2022

The IEEE LCN conference is the premier conference on the leading edge of 
theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking. LCN is a highly 
interactive conference that enables an effective interchange of results and 
ideas among researchers, users, and product developers. For the past 46 years, 
major developments from AI-enabled high-speed networking to application-focused 
IoT networks have been reported at this conference. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
*       Personal and wearable networks                  *       Green networking
*       Wireless ad hoc & sensor networks               *       Overlay and 
peer-to-peer networks
*       Information-centric networking                  *       Local-area and 
metropolitan-area networks
*       Embedded networks                               *       Storage-area 
*       Opportunistic networking                        *       Routing and 
transport protocols 
*       Delay-tolerant networks                         *       Big Data 
*       Cognitive radio networks                        *       Cloud computing 
and networking
*       Vehicular networks                              *       Software 
Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization 
*       Smart Grid communications                       *       Internet of 
*       Underwater sensor networks                      *       Link 
*       Cyber-physical systems                          *       Adaptive 
networking applications
*       Social networks                                 *       Authentication, 
authorization, accounting
*       Mobile and ubiquitous networking                *       Security and 
*       Cross-layer optimization
*       Mobility and Location-dependent services
*       Multimedia and real-time communication
*       Machine-to-machine communications for smart environments
*       Smart Cities
*       Network traffic characterization and measurements
*       Network management, reliability and QoS
*       Performance evaluation of networks
*       Test beds for network experiments
*       Network coding
*       Optical and high-speed access networks
*       E-Health networking
*       AI-enabled networking

In addition to the main conference track, the LCN Symposium provides an 
opportunity to present early work in-progress that shows exciting promise. The 
aim of the Symposium is to enable timely discussion of novel ideas and 
challenging future directions on emerging topics in networking.

Submissions in areas such as, but not limited to, the following are encouraged:

* Edge/Fog Computing    * AI for Networking     * Smart Cities

IEEE LCN 2022 will also feature a demo session with the aim of providing 
demonstrations that validate important research issues and/or show innovative 
prototypes. More information can be found on the conference Web site.

Furthermore, the IEEE LCN 2022 will include a Doctoral track session in support 
of graduate student’s research.  The goal of the Doctoral Track is to engage 
graduate students, especially Ph.D. students, that work in the general area of 
networking to actively participate and contribute to the 47th IEEE LCN 
Conference.  More information can be found on the conference Web site. 

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, previously 
unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference, workshop, 
or a journal. Full Regular papers (maximum 8 pages, 8 pt font in IEEE format) 
should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. 
Short papers (up to 4 pages) are an opportunity to present preliminary or 
interim results on hot topics in a poster session.  Symposium papers (maximum 6 
pages) enable timely discussion of novel ideas and challenging future 
directions on emerging topics in networking. Both full and short papers are 
published in the proceedings and IEEE Xplore.  All papers must include title, 
complete contact information for all authors, abstract, and keywords on the 
cover page. 

IEEE reserves the right to remove papers from IEEE Xplore that are not 
presented at the conference.

Paper submission: Papers must be registered on EDAS and submitted in PDF 
format. Detailed submission instructions are available at the conference 
website. Direct any questions  to  LCN  Program  Chairs  Sharief  Oteafy  
( and Eyuphan Bulut ( or  LCN  Symposium  
Chair  Kanchana Thilakarathna (

Important dates:
Paper registration:     April 1, 2022
Paper submission:       April 8, 2022
Notification:           June 15, 2022
Final paper:            July 15, 2022
General Chair: Lyes Khoukhi, ENSICAEN, Normandie Univ., France 
Program Chair: Sharief Oteafy, DePaul Univ, USA          
Program Co-Chair: Eyuphan Bulut, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., US, 
Symposium Chair: Kanchana Thilakarathna, The Univ. of Sydney, Australia

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