
Call for Papers (CFP): 11th  International Conference on Image Processing 
Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA 2022)

Salzburg, Austria, 19.04. - 22.04.2022


The eleventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and 
Applications IPTA 2022 aims at gathering 
international researchers, innovators, educators, and practitioners in image 
processing for attending extensive 
educational high level materials, sharing their achievements, exchanging their 
experiences and discussing future 
orientations. The conference aims to provide an excellent forum to meet and 
discuss various important issues on 
image processing and applications. Topics include but are not limited to:

    Image formation, scanning, display and printing
    Image and video processing, coding and compression
    Pattern recognition and computer vision
    Perceptual analysis of images and video
    Image forensics and security
    Machine Learning methods for image and video analysis
    Virtual and augmented reality
    Artificial Intelligence for weather and climate modelling

IPTA'22 is organised in parallel with the International Workshop on Biometrics 
and Forensics (IWBF'22)
at the same location during the same time to provide the possibility to exploit 
synergies betweeen the
two events (see http://iwbf22.cs.sbg.ac.at/).

The following Special Sessions have been approved and are open for submission 
(same date & format as
general track papers):

 * Processing and Protection of Encrypted Multimedia Data
 * Biological & Medical Image Analysis
 * Visual Computing in Digital Humanities
 * Computational Understanding of thin Structures
 * Structural Health Monitoring Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning 
 * Explainable AI for Medical Imaging
 * Network Science in Computer Vision

Papers must be submitted in English and formatted according to the instructions 
given at 
http://www.ipta-conference.com/ipta22/index.php/submission. Accepted papers 
will be published
at IEEE Xplore. A selection of the best (and topically connected) papers from 
the conference 
will be invited to submit an extended version to special issues of journals. 

Please check and carefully follow the instructions provided in the templates 
which contains
detailed instructions on formatting your document. Authors should submit a 
paper maximum of 6 pages including 
figures and references, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, 
using the on-line submission procedure
 indicated on the web-page. Authors are required to remove their names and 
affiliations as well as obvious
self-citations in their papers to enable a double-bling refereeing procedure.

Paper Submission Deadline
January 24th, 2022.

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