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Call for Papers

FoIKS 2022: 12th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and 
Knowledge Systems
University of Helsinki, Finland, 20-23 June 2022

Conference website: https://foiks2022.github.io
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=foiks2022 

Abstract submission deadline: 18 February 2022
Paper submission deadline: 25 February 2022
Notification: 25 April 2022
Camera-ready version: 20 May 2022

The FoIKS symposia provide a biennial forum for presenting and discussing 
theoretical and applied research on information and knowledge systems. The goal 
is to bring together researchers with an interest in this subject, share 
research experiences, promote collaboration, and identify new issues and 
directions for future research.

FoIKS 2022 solicits original contributions (as well as extensions of previously 
published contributions) dealing with any foundational aspect of information 
and knowledge systems. This includes submissions that apply ideas, theories or 
methods from specific disciplines to information and knowledge systems. 
Examples of such disciplines are discrete mathematics, logic and algebra, model 
theory, information theory, complexity theory, algorithmics and computation, 
statistics, and optimisation, among, of course, many others.

The FoIKS symposia are a forum for intensive discussions. Speakers will be 
given sufficient time to present their ideas and results within the larger 
context of their research. Furthermore, participants will be asked to prepare a 
first response to another contribution in order to initiate discussion.

*** Suggested topics

The suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* Database design: formal models, dependencies and independencies
* Big data: models for data in the Cloud, programming languages for big data, 
query processing
* Dynamics of information: models of transactions, concurrency control, 
updates, consistency preservation, belief revision
* Information fusion: heterogeneity, views, schema dominance, multiple source 
information merging, reasoning under inconsistency
* Integrity and constraint management: verification, validation, consistent 
query answering, information cleaning
* Intelligent agents: multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, foundations of 
software agents, cooperative agents, formal models of interactions, 
negotiations and dialogue, logical models of emotions
* Knowledge discovery and information retrieval: machine learning, data mining, 
formal concept analysis and association rules, text mining, information 
* Knowledge representation, reasoning and planning: non-monotonic formalisms, 
probabilistic and non-probabilistic models of uncertainty, graphical models and 
independence, similarity-based reasoning, preference modelling and handling, 
computational models of argument, argumentation systems
* Logics in databases and AI: classical and non-classical logics, logic 
programming, description logics, spatial and temporal logics, probability 
logic, fuzzy logic
* Mathematical foundations: discrete structures and algorithms, graphs, 
grammars, automata, abstract machines, finite model theory, information theory, 
coding theory, complexity theory, randomness
* Security in information and knowledge systems: identity thee, privacy, trust, 
intrusion detection, access control, inference control, secure Web services, 
secure Semantic Web, risk management
* Semi-structured data and XML: data modelling, data processing, data 
compression, data exchange
* Social computing: collective intelligence and self-organising knowledge, 
collaborative filtering, computational social choice, Boolean games, coalition 
formation, reputation systems
* The Semantic Web and knowledge management: languages, ontologies, agents, 
adaption, intelligent algorithms, ontology-based data access
* The WWW: models of Web databases, Web dynamics, Web services, Web 
transactions and negotiations, social networks, Web mining

*** Submission Guidelines

For long papers, the suggested number of pages is 16, and the maximum number of 
pages is 18. For short papers, the maximum number of pages is 10. All papers 
must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or 
conference. Papers must be typeset using the Springer LaTeX2e style llncs for 
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Submissions that deviate substantially from 
these guidelines may be rejected without review. Initial submissions must be in 
PDF format, but authors should keep in mind that the LaTeX2e source must be 
submitted for the final versions of accepted papers. Submissions in alternate 
formats, such as Microsoft Word, cannot be accepted for either initial or final 
versions. The submissions will be judged for scientific quality and for 
suitability as a basis for broader discussion.

Submission is via the EasyChair link 

*** Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline (long and short papers): 18 February 2022
Paper submission deadline (long and short papers): 25 February 2022
Author notification: 25 April 2022
Camera-ready paper due: 20 May 2022
FoIKS 2022 Symposium: 20-23 June 2022

*** Program Committee

See https://foiks2022.github.io

*** Program Chairs

Elena Ravve, SE Department, Ort Braude College, Israel
Ivan Varzinczak, CRIL, Univ. Artois & CNRS, France

*** Local Organisation Chairs

Matti Järvisalo, University of Helsinki, Finland
Juha Kontinen, University of Helsinki, Finland

*** Invited Speakers


*** Publication

The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science. After the symposium, authors of selected papers will be 
invited to submit extended journal versions of their papers for a FoIKS 2022 
special issue of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence or 
another journal. Exact details will be provided on the conference website in 
due time.

*** Venue

The conference will be held at the University of Helsinki. Further information 
on the venue will be provided in due time.

*** Further Information

Please visit the conference website (https://foiks2022.github.io) for further 
information and regular updates.

*** Contact

All enquiries should be emailed to foiks2022 (AT) easychair.org

Ivan Varzinczak - https://www.ijv.ovh
CRIL, Université d'Artois & CNRS, France

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