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Fifth International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts (Text2Story'22)

Held in conjunction with the 44th European Conference on Information Retrieval 

April 10th, 2022 - Stavanger, Norway

Website: https://text2story22.inesctec.pt


++ Important Dates ++

    - Submission deadline: January 24th, 2022

    - Acceptance Notification Date: March 1st, 2022

    - Camera-ready copies: March 18th, 2022

    - Workshop: April 10th, 2022

++ Overview ++

    Although information extraction and natural language processing have made 
significant progress towards an automatic interpretation of texts, the problem 
of constructing consistent narrative structures is yet to be solved.

++ List of Topics ++

    In the fifth edition of the Text2Story workshop, we aim to foster the 
discussion of recent advances in the link between Information Retrieval (IR) 
and formal narrative understanding and representation of texts. Specifically, 
we aim to provide a common forum to consolidate the multi-disciplinary efforts 
and foster discussions to identify the wide-ranging issues related to the 
narrative extraction task. To this regard, we encourage the submission of 
high-quality and original submissions covering the following topics:

  *   Narrative Representation Language
  *   Story Evolution and Shift Detection
  *   Temporal Relation Identification
  *   Temporal Reasoning and ordering of events
  *   Causal Relation Extraction and Arrangement
  *   Narrative Summarization
  *   Multi-modal Summarization
  *   Automatic Timeline Generation
  *   Storyline Visualization
  *   Comprehension of Generated Narratives and Timelines
  *   Big data applied to Narrative Extraction
  *   Personalization and Recommendation of Narratives
  *   User Profiling and User Behavior Modeling
  *   Sentiment and Opinion Detection in Texts
  *   Argumentation Analysis
  *   Models for detection and removal of bias in generated stories
  *   Ethical and fair narrative generation
  *   Misinformation and Fact Checking
  *   Bots Influence
  *   Information Retrieval Models based on Story Evolution
  *   Narrative-focused Search in Text Collections
  *   Event and Entity importance Estimation in Narratives
  *   Multilinguality: multilingual and cross-lingual narrative analysis
  *   Evaluation Methodologies for Narrative Extraction
  *   Resources and Dataset showcase
  *   Dataset annotation and annotation schemas
  *   Applications in social media (e.g. narrative generation during a natural 

++ Dataset ++

    We challenge the interested researchers to consider submitting a paper that 
makes use of the tls-covid19 dataset (published at ECIR'21) under the scope and 
purposes of the text2story workshop. tls-covid19 consists of a number of 
curated topics related to the Covid-19 outbreak, with associated news articles 
from Portuguese and English news outlets and their respective reference 
timelines as gold-standard. While it was designed to support timeline 
summarization research tasks it can also be used for other tasks including the 
study of news coverage about the COVID-19 pandemic. A script to reconstruct and 
expand the dataset is available at https://github.com/LIAAD/tls-covid19. The 
article itself is available at this link: 
[Uma imagem contendo Site  Descrição gerada 

TLS-Covid19: A New Annotated Corpus for Timeline Summarization | 
The rise of social media and the explosion of digital news in the web sphere 
have created new challenges to extract knowledge and make sense of published 
information. Automated timeline generation...

++ Submission Guidelines ++

    We invite four kinds of submissions:

  *   Research papers (max 7 pages + references)
  *   Demos and position papers (max 5 pages + references)
  *   Work in progress and project description papers (max 4 pages + references)
  *   Nectar papers with a summary of own work published in other conferences 
or journals that is worthwhile sharing with the Text2Story community, by 
emphasizing how it can be applied for narrative extraction, processing or 
storytelling, adding some more insights or discussions; novel aspects, results 
or case studies (max 3 pages + references)

    Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through EasyChair 
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=text2story2022). All submissions must 
be in English and formatted according to the one-column CEUR-ART style with no 
page numbers. Templates, either in Word or LaTeX, can be found in the following 
zip folder: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. There is also an Overleaf 
page for LaTeX users, available at: 

    Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the program 
committee. The accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published at CEUR 
workshop proceedings (usually indexed on DBLP).

++ Workshop Format ++

    Participants of accepted papers will be given 15 minutes for oral 

++ Organizing committee ++

    Ricardo Campos (INESC TEC; Ci2 - Smart Cities Research Center, Polytechnic 
Institute of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal)

    Alípio M. Jorge (INESC TEC; University of Porto, Portugal)

    Adam Jatowt (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

    Sumit Bhatia (Media and Data Science Research Lab, Adobe)

    Marina Litvak (Shamoon Academic College of Engineering, Israel)

++ Proceedings Chair ++

    João Paulo Cordeiro (INESC TEC; University of Beira Interior)

    Conceição Rocha (INESC TEC)

++ Web and Dissemination Chair ++

    Hugo Sousa (INESC TEC)

    Behrooz Mansouri (Rochester Institute of Technology)

++ Program Committee ++

    Álvaro Figueira (INESC TEC & University of Porto)

    Andreas Spitz (University of Konstanz)

    António Horta Branco (University of Lisbon)

    Arian Pasquali (CitizenLab)

    Brenda Santana (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

    Bruno Martins (IST and INESC-ID - Instituto Superior Técnico, University  
of Lisbon)

    Demian Gholipour (University College Dublin)

    Daniel Gomes (FCT/Arquivo.pt)

    Daniel Loureiro (University of Porto)

    Denilson Barbosa (University of Alberta)

    Deya Banisakher (Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Ft. Belvior, VA, 

    Dhruv Gupta (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 
Trondheim, Norway)

    Dwaipayan Roy (ISI Kolkata, India)

    Dyaa Albakour (Signal)

    Evelin Amorim (INESC TEC)

    Florian Boudin (Université de Nantes)

    Grigorios Tsoumakas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

    Henrique Lopes Cardoso (University of Porto)

    Hugo Sousa (INESC TEC)

    Ismail Sengor Altingovde (Middle East Technical University)

    Jeffery Ansah (BHP)

    João Paulo Cordeiro (INESC TEC & University of Beira Interior)

    Kiran Kumar Bandeli (Walmart Inc.)

    Ludovic Moncla (INSA Lyon)

    Marc Spaniol (Université de Caen Normandie)

    Nina Tahmasebi (University of Gothenburg)

    Pablo Gamallo (University of Santiago de Compostela)

    Paulo Quaresma (Universidade de Évora)

    Pablo Gervás (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

    Paul Rayson (Lancaster University)

    Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI))

    Satya Almasian (Heidelberg University)

    Sérgio Nunes (INESC TEC & University of Porto)

    Udo Kruschwitz (University of Regensburg)

    Yihong Zhang (Kyoto University)

++ Contacts ++

    Website: https://text2story22.inesctec.pt

    For general inquiries regarding the workshop, reach the organizers at: 

All the best,


Hugo Sousa
Research Assistant @ INESC TEC
PhD Student @ FCUP




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